Hogwarts Legacy Free Download DLC Announced by PS Plus

Hogwarts Legacy was released back in February, thanks to the recent previous-gen release, it became popular across different platforms with a total of $1 billion in sales.

However, Hogwarts Legacy players have a few controversies with a new free download being one of the biggest releases this year. If you’re interested in checking out the open-world game and you have PlayStation Plus Premium, you can check out the game for free. The catch is that you’ll experience the tip of the iceberg.

hogwarts legacy free dlc
Screenshot via playstation.com

Every PlayStation Plus Premium user can check out a free trial for the game, but the trial is only 45 minutes long, which is hardly enough time to make it through the game’s lengthy tutorial.

According to Reddit user MatsGry, the Hogwarts Legacy trial is for a whopping 45 minutes, most of which will be taken up from booting the game, character creation and cinematics. If you’re lucky, you might be able to dabble in 10 minutes’ worth of gameplay.

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“So basically i feel like 2 hours would have been better for Hogwarts. I think going through the sorting ceremony and getting a house would hook a lot of people,” replied dj_cole. “And here’s FF16 that gives 2 hours of the demo without behind a paywall and you can even replay it if you want to,” replied Jamesahaha.

Looking on the bright side, the 45 minute trial for Hogwarts Legacy might be useful to some extent, but for a game as large as it is, I think a minimum of 2 hours would do justice and offer a much better experience to players. Hopefully, Avalanche and Sony will add additional trial time if the gaming community makes a statement.