How To Fix Battle Rhythm Not Working in Destiny 2?

Bungie is constantly evolving Destiny 2 with new features and content. Players must complete missions/activities using specific abilities and weapons or explore different game parts to complete such challenges.  

Bungie recently launched the “Battle Rhythm” challenge, allowing players to defeat targets using Scout Rifles, Hand Cannons, Auto Rifles, and many more weapons.

However, players have faced some issues while playing Destiny 2, where the Battle Rhythm Seasonal Challenge Progression doesn’t work properly. According to my gaming experience, some solutions can fix the issue. 

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Why Battle Rhythm Destiny 2 Seasonal Challenge is not Working?

The Battle Rhythm Seasonal Challenge in Destiny 2 is currently bugged and not tracking progress for some players. Bungie is aware of the issue and is investigating a fix. In the meantime, there are a few workarounds that you can try to complete the challenge:

  • Play in Playlist Activities: The challenge is currently only working in Crucible, Gambit, and Vanguard Ops playlists.
  • Use the listed weapons: The challenge requires you to use Auto Rifles, Pulse Rifles, or Scout Rifles. Ensure you’re using one of these weapons when completing the challenge.
  • Restart your game: This may sometimes clear the bug and allow the challenge to start tracking progress again.
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How To Fix The Battle Rhythm Destiny 2 Problem?

The Bungie support team is aware of the issue and is working on fixing it. However, there are troubleshooting methods that can help solve the issue.

You can play in the Crucible, Vanguard, or Gambit Ops playlists to advance the challenge. You can take part and complete the challenge in many ways. 

Some players advise playing Strikes as a team to complete the challenge. Due to these issues with the game’s activities and challenges, players seem weary and agitated.