It’s Brown And Sticky (and not a stick) Crossword Answer Clue

If you’re searching for the answer clue of the “Its Brown and Sticky” crossword puzzle then you’re in luck today. Here at Gameinstants, we try our best to solve crossword puzzles and share clues with you.

Most of the time lots of people do not have enough time to solve crossword puzzles by themselves. And all they needed is an answer clue of the particular puzzle that might come in handy for them. Here we got you covered, without any further ado let’s check the clue that you’re searching for on the Internet.

It’s Brown And Sticky Crossword Puzzle Answer Clue

Below we mentioned the answer clue of its brown and sticky crossword puzzle featured on the New York Times Mini Crossword on November 2, 2022.

We suggest you cross-examine the length or the number of letters of the crossword clue with the puzzle. Because most of the time certain clue has numerous answers.

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Crossword PuzzleAnswer Clue
It’s Brown And Sticky (and not a stick)SYRUP (5 Letters)

The meaning of this clue is “a thick sweet liquid, often made by boiling sugar with water or fruit juice.”

To lookup for more crossword puzzle clues you can check our NYT Mini Crossword Clue section.

The first crossword puzzle was introduced by The New York World on December 21, 1913. It was just before the year when World War I is started and at that time crossword puzzles used in newspapers to distract people from the harsh news of the war.

New York Times publishes lots of word games such as Wordle, Crossword, Mini Crossword, Spelling Bee and more. You can subscribe to NYT to play all these games on their official platform.