Musical Bit That Slowly Fades NYT Crossword Answer

If you’re looking for the answer clue of the “Musical Bit That Slowly Fades NYT” crossword puzzle then you’re search is over. Here at Gameinstants, we focus on solving puzzles and sharing their clue with you.

In this modern era if you adore solving crossword puzzles however you don’t have enough time to solve puzzles, in this case, you can look up the clue of the crossword which comes in handy for you. There are lots of benefits to solving crossword puzzles such as involving English Vocabulary, a boost in your positive attitude and more.

Without any further ado let’s check the clue of this particular crossword puzzle.

Musical Bit That Slowly Fades Crossword Answer Clue

Below we mentioned the clue of the “Musical Bit That Slowly Fades” crossword puzzle that was published by the New York Times Crossword on October 20, 2022.

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Make sure to cross-check the length of the clue with the puzzle because certain time most of the clue has numerous answers.

Answer: OUTRO (5 Letters)

If want to lookup more crossword clues do visit our NYT Crossword Clue section.

February 7, 2023, Other Word Games

The first crossword was introduced by New York Times on December 21, 1913, at the time of World War I. Mainly the crossword plays an important role as a distraction during the war from the disturbing news.

This is end up this short crossword clue article for more similar word gaming content do check our Word Games section.

Reference: NYT Crossword