Name Something That Comes in a Carton Clue

If you’re looking for the clue of the “name something that comes in a carton” crossword puzzle then you’re on the right platform. Here at Gameinstants, we try our best to solve crossword puzzles and share their clue with you.

Because most of the time lots of people don’t have time to solve the crossword puzzles in their daily busy routine. However, they adore crossword puzzles just like us and want to know the answer to the crossword puzzle that helps them to develop their English vocabulary for future puzzles and more.

Without wasting your time let’s focus on the clue.

Name Something That Comes in a Carton Answer Clue

Below we have mentioned the clue of the crossword puzzle that was featured on Fun Feud Trivia.

  • milk : 64
  • egg : 25
  • beer : 7
  • juice : 4

Make sure to cross reference clue length with a crossword puzzle because most of the time lots of clues has numerous answers.

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For more similar crossword puzzles do check our Word Games section.