Nexus Blitz is one of the best modes in League of Legends and to win the game you need some strongest characters. If you’re looking for a Nexus Blitz Tier List, then you’re in luck today. Here we have composed a tier list of Nexus Blitz characters based on their survival rate, versatility and damage out in the current game meta.
This tier list has five tiers from the S tier to D Tier that the S tier has all the strongest or overpowering characters and on another hand, and the D tier has all the weakest characters.
Without taking your time let’s get started.

S Tier
The S-Tier has all the strongest characters with high-end stats. All these characters are best at delivering damage, surviving till last along with supporting.
Viego | Yasuo | Lux |
Morgana | Yone | Leesin |
Ezreal | Zed | Miss Fortune |
Scaho | Sett | Mordekaiser |
Master Yi | Katarina | Akali |
Ziggs | Xinzhao | Samira |
De. mundo | Teemo | Ashe |
Sylas | Jinx | Caitlyn |
Nasus | veigar |
A Tier

The Tier champions have a few disadvantages when compared to the S Tier champs. However, these champs can give head-to-head fights to the higher-tier champs if you master their skills properly.
Amumu | Aurelion Sol | Anivia |
Vel’Koz | Taric | Neeko |
Kayle | Brand | Qiyana |
Lux | Volibear | Yasuo |
Yano | Seraphine | Trundle |
Soraka | Graves | Diana |
Yuumi | Warwick | jhin |
Senna | Varus | Janna |
Jax | Maokai |
B Tier

These champs are not strong on their own you need to master their skill sets properly in order to play with them. Mainly these champs are useful for the team to keep it together in terms of support and attack.
Pantheon | Ahri | Xerath |
Pyke | Alistar | Aphelios |
Sivir | Zyra | Ekko |
Vayne | Gwen | Lucian |
Skarner | Caitlyn | Vladimir |
Cho’Gath | Poppy | |
Jarvaniv | Viktor | Vi |
Lulu | Rammus | |
Elise | ||
C Tier

The C Tier champs are mainly below the average. So playing with this character can be harder for beginners. However, if you’re an experienced player then you can easily win with champs without having a hassle.
Evelynn | Sona | Fiddlesticks |
Tahm Kench | Ornn | Zac |
Irelia | Zilean | Leona |
Orianna | Thresh | Xin Zhao |
Draven | Darius | Flora |
Fizz | Singed | Wukong |
Annie | Camille | Rek’Sai |
Azir | Riven | Kai’Sa |
Taliyah | Karthus | |
D Tier

The D-tier champs are not worthy of choosing. Because if you win the game from C Tier champs then you are lucky. But these tier champs are a total waste of time. So champs might have powerful attacks but their overall stats are not good for the team.
Qiyana | Lillia | Gnar |
Jayce | Kalista | Urgot |
Talon | Bard | Twisted |
Kassadin | Shyvana | Khazix |
Nocturne | Sejuani | Tryndamere |
Nunu | Twitch | Olaf |
Malphite | Kennen | Gragas |
This is all for this guide for more helpful content do read our League of Legends Guides to get more helpful information such as the strongest character in ABD or how to export LOL settings and more.