Secret Class Chapter 179: Raw Scans and Spoilers

Secret Class is a Manhwa series that has captivated readers from around the globe with its thrilling narrative and dynamics. There have been 180 chapters in this series. It is released in Japanese but also has an English translation.

The new chapter, Chapter 179, is the most anticipated yet; it will be released on June 29, 2023. You can read it on Webtoon and Toptoon. Be ready, because this one will leave you on the edge of your seat!

In this article, I will discuss the spoilers of the 179th chapter of the Manhwa series, so if you haven’t read the 179th chapter yet, I wouldn’t recommend reading any further; for the rest of you, let us get into this article.

Chapter 179 of the Japanese Manhwa series spoilers have been released! And this time, there will be no interruption. The spoilers are

  • Dae-ho is going to continue his hunt that he is out on without any break 
  • So-Hyun has now wholly surrendered herself so she can enjoy her time with Dae-ho 
  • In the spoilers, Dae-ho says it is So-Hyun’s first time.
  • Dae-ho says he needs to focus on So-Hyun 
  • There will be more intimate scenes between the two of them 
  • At the end of the chapter, there are more expectations for Dae-ho as Mia and Joori Noona will ask him to focus on them too.
Also Read  Secret Class Chapter 180: Raw Scans and Spoilers

That’s all for the spoilers of the secret class’s 179th chapter, and all these spoilers suggest that this chapter will be full of twists and turns, leaving the readers on the edge of their seats! 

Chapter 179 release date and timing 

This new secret class chapter, the 179th chapter, is the ending; it promises an exciting continuation of the story filled with suspense and drama. The spoilers keep the readers on the edge of their seats throughout the chapter.

  • Release Date: June 29, 2023, Thursday 
  • Central time: 00:00 CTD 
  • Eastern standard Time: 00:00 EST 
  • Japan Standard Time: 14:00 JST 
  • At the beginning of the last chapter of the secret class, the 178th chapter, Ko-Bong continuously thinks about So-Hyun and is sound asleep.
  • But So-Hyun, on the other hand, is getting ready to fall in love with Dae-ho for the first time.
  • Dae-ho even asked So-Hyun if she was already having fun with it. 
  • We can see So-Hyun beginning to feel more and more embarrassed during the scene.
  • Joo-ri and Mia help her feel as much pleasure and ecstasy as possible; they start by first removing her glasses.
  • Dae-ho started to show more interest in her. So-Hyun asks Dae-ho if he’s sure.
  • When the time comes, Dae-ho goes all the way. 
  • Mia and Joo-ri also want to join Dae-ho and are getting restless, watching them have fun. 
  • Both of them thinking how Ko-bong will feel when he finds out 
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That was all for the Secret Class 179th chapter of the Japanese series. Stay tuned for the release of the next chapter.