Yes or No Action on Tinder Crossword Clue

Here we answered the clue of the “Yes or No Action on Tinder” crossword puzzle. This puzzle is featured on the New York Times Mini Crossword. If you’re searching for the answer clue of this particular crossword puzzle then you’re in luck today.

Here at Gameinstants, we try our best to solve crossword puzzles and share their clue with you. Because lots of people have a busy schedule and cannot able to solve crossword puzzles but they adore puzzles a lot and want little help such as answering clues in the crossword puzzle. Well don’t worry here we got you covered.

Yes or No Action on Tinder Crossword Answer Clue

Below we mentioned the answer clue of the Yes or No Action on Tinder crossword puzzle that was published by NYT Mini Crossword.

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Make sure to cross-check the length or the letters of the clue with the crossword puzzle because most of the time lots of clues has multiple answers.

Crossword PuzzleAnswer Clue
Yes or No Action on TinderSWIPE (5 Letters)

If you want to you can also check more clues on our NYT Mini Crossword Clue section.

February 19, 2023, Other New York Times Crossword

If you adore crossword puzzles then you might history of this word game more interesting. Such as the first crossword puzzle is introduced by The New York World on December 21, 1913. This is just before the start of World War I and at that time crossword puzzles play important by distracting people from the hash news of the war.

Also Read  Opposing Vote Crossword Answer Clue (2023)

This is sum up for this guide for more similar word gaming content do check our Word Games section.


Google Play Store / App Store / NYT Mini