All Starfield Companions and Crew So far 

You can make the team with Starfield main Constellation Companions in your next planet adventure. The 4 Constellation Companions acquire different skill sets that might help you in your adventure in Starfield.

You can recruit them for your mission as per the skills you require. The 4 Starfield Companions possess different skill sets and have their own weakness and strength. If you know where to use who then you might win every planet. 

They can assist you on the mission as a crew member or can direct companions, as you need them. You can have companions in Starfield by completing the main story link or team up with new factions and meet new people. 

Starfield: 4 Main Constellation Companions and Crew list

Starfield 4 characters
starfield 4 main constellation companions

We have mentioned the list here, you can find those companions in Starfield and from the list, as per your requirement, you can romance with any 4. In Starfiled there are a total of 7 confirmed companions and from that 3 are Constellation Companions and 4 are our crewmates. 

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Go through the table to know about Starfield 4 main constellation companions.

Sarah Morgan ConstellationNew Atlantis, JemisonAstrodynamics LasersLeadershipBotany
Sam CoeConstellationAkila CItyPilotingRifle CertificationPayloadsGeology
BarrettConstellationNew Atlantis, JemisonStarship Engineering Particle Beam Weapon System Robotic Gastronomy
Vasco TBA
Marika BorosCrewmate The ViewportShotgun certificationBallisticsPartial Beam Weapon System
HellerCrewmateGeologyOutpost Engineering 
Adoring Fan CrewmateNew Atlantis, JemisonScavengingConcealmentWeight Lifting 

In the table, there are details you need to know about the companions before assigning them. There are skills you should know and a role whether they are leader, fighter, and technician. You should direct them as you need on a ship or in a planet.

Starfield Companions
starfield 4 main constellation companions

In Starfield there are three constellations are revealed yet, and a fourth is not disclosed yet by Bethesda. As you will notice the Constellation has four skills whether crewmates have three or two skills. 

Also, there is some history behind that player like how they end up in their role but their skills are enough for us to know them well. 

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Starfield is developed and Published by Bethesda. After years of waiting finally, Starfield will be introduced on the 6th of September 2023. Where you can join the planet with the constellation and crewmate. Where you can start your journey with the 4 constellations. But the fourth constellation is yet to announce. We have mentioned the constellation and crewmate in the table.