Animal Crossing How to Find Shooting Stars

Animal Crossing: New Horizons contains a plethora of unique environmental elements, ranging from preserving weather patterns to changing seasons. Several other unusual events occur on the island, such as the sighting of shooting stars.

Players must stare at the skies attentively for this to happen. Players who are fortunate enough will soon notice a shooting star. When they see one, players may want to give their islands some Star Fragments, which are a limited crafting material in Animal Crossing New Horizons.

Shooting Stars may be utilized for a variety of purposes throughout the game. So, here’s a comprehensive guide to what to do if you come across a shooting star.

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How to find Shooting Stars in Animal Crossing

The shooting star phenomena in Animal Crossing New Horizons lasts from 7 p.m. until 4 a.m. Hundreds of shooting stars will zoom over the skies of your island during this nine-hour span.

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Additionally, villagers will notify gamers when a meteor shower is likely to occur. To observe shooting stars, follow these easy steps:

  • Choose a cozy spot with a clear view of the skies on your island.
  • Be completely empty-handed and tilt the joystick to look up at the sky.
  • Patiently wait for shooting stars to arrive.
  • Upon seeing a shooting star, press the A button to make a wish.

Here’s how it works. The shooting stars arrive in waves, with long stretches of silence in between. Do not be disheartened if you do not see shooting stars right away after staring at the heavens. Making a wish will bless your island with Star Fragments, which will be spread over the island. Collect them because they are valuable crafting materials.

What to do with the fragment from the Shooting Stars

In addition to being a rare event in Animal Crossing New Horizons, viewing shooting stars and wishing upon them awards players Star Fragments the next morning, which they must gather like seashells scattered over the island.

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While you’re at it, make as many Shooting Star wishes as you can. In the game, Star Fragments are a useful crafting resource. These unusual crafting materials may be used to make magic wands and other useful gadgets.

The magic wand is a device that allows players to instantly alter their outfits in New Horizons. There is no limit to the number of shooting stars you may wish for in a single night. There are also no limits on how many Fragments that can be collected on the island.

That’s how to find Shooting Stars in Animal Crossing as I’ll see you in the next guide.

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