ESFANDS Age, Real Name, Income (2024)

Wondering about what is Esfands age or what is income or when he started steaming online. Here we covered all information related to the Esfands that might helpful for you.

Who is Esfands

Esfands is a video game streamer the real name is unknown until now. He mainly streams on YouTube, Twitch and other platforms. He started his journey of streaming at a very young age in War of Worlds (WoW) on November 29, 2004.

At that time he does not have many followers the first time on life streamed he got 50 views and he decided to continue his work soon after time he start getting 600 to 700 views on each stream after that he considers to become a full-time live streamer.

Esfands Biography

Below we have mentioned the complete biography of Esfands.

Age 30
Date of BirthSeptember 3, 1991
NationalityAmerican (U.S)
HometownAustin, TX
StreamsWorld of Warcraft / Variety

Esfands also got banned from streaming on a private server which ended his hopes but after a few months, he contact his friends named Asmongold and Mcconell and started playing PUBG for a few days. After his friend’s advice, Esfands continues streaming on a non-vanilla server on World of Warcraft.

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For a few months, he earns a good amount of money from his streaming and the main break come when he attended Dreamhack 2018 and EsfandTV which get a thousand subscribers and partnered with Twitch.

After that, he joined the Method’s stream in February 2019 and then Esfands starts his own team called OTK, in October 2020. The Esfands’ income mainly comes from Twitch and YouTube and the assumed estimate of his income is $22k to $25k per month.


  • EsfandTV Autobiographical link 
  • DefTalk Interview link 
  • EsfandTV Ethnicity link 
  • EsfandTV Subscriber Statistics link 
  • Method Welcomes Esfand link 
  • Esfand and Asmongold Talk About OTK – YouTube link