Twitch Chat Logs: How to Monitor Your Viewers Comments

Twitch chat logs are one of the best features of that allows streams to communicate with other streamers or viewers without having a hassle. It has its own value among gamers for interacting with their viewers to know their options or asked questions and much more.

Your Twitch Chat Logs carries of the most important information that you need to know about your game or streaming from the viewers to improve your game or the feedback on how you should create your brand content to get more views.

Twitch Chat Logs

Whenever you allow strangers into the chat room you’ll definitely get the chaos. Some viewers leave healthy and positive feedback that helps you to improve your brand on another hand few viewers leave bad comments that ruin the experience.

However, the Twitch Chat moves so quickly that it is way too hard to read and replay each comment at the same time.

Fortunately, there is a smart method to manage the Twitch Chat Logs, without having a hassle, Although Twitch has improvised its chat log system for security and moderating tools purposes in the last few years.

Now accessing the Twitch Chat logs can be harder you need to do some bit digging to get access. In this short and useful article, we are going to tell you why you need to check the Twitch Chat log along with various methods to check the chat log. As well as, how to download the chat log through 3rd-party software for long-term moderation.

Why It’s Important To Check The Twitch Chat Logs

Appraise Disciplinary Responses

Sometimes you may want to appraise the aptness of punishment. Maybe a user was banned meanwhile they should have only held timed out.

You can glance at your Twitch Chat Logs to confirm what the user said or did before getting the punishment. That gives you to patrol your moderators and get sure none of them are misusing their power for individual disputes.

Review for Inapplicable Comments

Twitch has continued breaking down on offensive behaviour or comments, and much of the responsibility of managing the program’s reliability comes from streamers and mods.

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This is why it’s essential for streamers to periodically evaluate their chat logs for inherent violations of Twitch’s Terms of Service (TOS). If viewers usually violate the TOS, you could drop your channel alike if you aren’t aware of the provocative comments in your chat.

Assemble Audience Data 

A twitch chat log can be a valuable tool for identifying the variety of content your viewers experience. A fast glance at your viewers’ comments will grant you an opinion of what games or activities they preferred.

What pieces of your stream they attained dull, and your viewers’ overall sentiment on your stream. Recognition of how your viewers react to the content you produce is relevant for determining the route you want to take your channel going ahead.

Survey Feedback 

More miniature channels may collect comments and feedback from their observers on how they can develop their channels. You may indeed get requests to cooperate with extra streamers through your chat. With the Twitch Chat Log, you can go backward and analyze feedback and valuable comments whenever you need them.

Exploration Usernames 

Conceiving a Twitch account is free and needs nearly no time at all. While this has signified helpful for the platform’s extension, it can also be misused to bypass timeouts and bans. In unusual cases, a forbidden user may log into a different account and remain to abuse your chat.

Your Twitch Chat Log can reveal to you when an account was created and what kind of remarks it’s giving. You can match composing styles and usernames to recognize if a banned user is practicing a throwaway account to register your channel.

Discover New Memes

Each channel on Twitch is like its own sub-community inside the more comprehensive Twitch platform. Streamers with loyal fans manage to improve their exclusive jokes and memes particular to their channel.

Suppressing your Twitch Chat Logs can assist to maintain your in-the-know regarding how your fans interact — their language, vernacular, and memes. Quick acceptance of this data can help foster responsibility and loyalty.

How to Monitor Your Twitch Chat Logs

There are almost 4 ways to check your Twitch Chat Logs. Here we are going to take you through each method.

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1. User Search Command

If you’re searching for any particular comment then this is the quickest method to check it on your Twitch Chat Logs. You need to type the command /user [username] in your channel’s chatbox. Twitch displays the complete data about that individual viewer, The data such as.

  • How multiple messages the viewer has dropped on your channel.
  • The date the viewer account was created.
  • How several times the viewer has timed out in your chat.
  • How numerous times the viewer has stayed banned from your channel.
  • The contents of any comments they have dropped on your channel.
  • Unspecified comments devised by your mods about that special viewer.

This method is especially effective if there’s a user that you speculate has created a new account to avoid a past punishment. Again, it’s essential to recognize that the User Search Command will not expose any comments lifted by a moderator. Nevertheless, it can be utilized to divide the time a user was executed so you can evaluate their chat in the VOD.

Use The VODs History

Twitch  vods

The streamers can record and playback the VODs to check the comments dropped by the viewers. Currently, this is the only way to view the complete Twitch Chat logs by the help of this method you can also view the comments removed by the moderator. The Search Command and Third-Party program cannot able to access these comments.

In case if you want to review the banned user then you need to go through the VOD’s history.

Third-Party Program

chatty twitch logs

While beneficial, the chat tracking tools implemented by Twitch may not be sufficient for your goals. Many streamers use third-party programs to install chat logs for observing comments in the long term.

One of the most successful explications is Chatty, a Java-based, open-source chat software that originates with a ton of points to assist streamers and mods informant and track their chat.

Its interface is motivated by classic IRC clients, so there’s a hint of a knowledge curve to utilizing it. Chatty doesn’t log your chats by default and will eliminate more past messages later sometime.


There are multiple Twitch Chatbots available on the web such as Nightbot which is an automated software that allows you to moderate and filter your chats.

The software also gives access to you for adding special features to the chat to improve the viewer’s experience. Most of the chatbots were available to arrange complete comments in the chat.

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Well, these are some of the simplest ways to monitor the Twitch Chat logs without having hassle. The bot software can help to automate the process of collecting the comments even though the stream is ended. However, the chatbot cannot able to collect and assemble the data if it was not activated.

Using the chatbot in your Twitch Channel can increase the productivity of keeping in track of comments.

Check Twitch Chat Logs As Moderator

The moderator has complete access to the particular viewer’s comments or the chat logs. To access them all you’ve to do is enter the username in the moderator view.

Twitch Chat Logs As Moderator

You can access the Moderator View by tapping on the sword icon given on the screen. After accessing the moderator view enter the name of the viewers to check the complete chat logs of that particular viewer without a hassle. This can be helpful to check viewers’ history about being banned or timed out.

How To Download The Twitch Chat Logs

In case if you wanted to download the twitch chat logs for long-term moderation. For this you’ve to store the chat log on your computer, well you can perform this by using a third-party program such as Chatty, it allows you to scan the chat logs at once and can record all the chats to computer storage.

Chatty also shows the Twitch emotes, badges and username colours to increase the readability of the chat log.

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Can Anyone View the Twitch Chat Logs

No, only the streamer and moderator can able to see the twitch chat logs for the Twitch video channel. Twitch did not allow to chat logs be accessible publicly for moderation purposes and data sharing violations.


These are the only methods from which you can access the Twitch Chat logs without getting into trouble. If you want to check any particular viewer comments or entire chat log then you must use a third-party program such as Chatty. Because it’s a very helpful tool for comment moderators and tracking the comments.