Fortnite Creative Builders Challenge Guide

Fortnite always keeps updating new things in the game to keep players engaging such as new skins, weapons, rewards and events. Recently Fortnite started a new event called Creative Builders Challenge that allows players to take part in the event and collect time-exclusive rewards.

Here we cover information such as what is Creative Builders Challenge, how to participate in it, what are the rewards and more. So without wasting your time let’s check the guide.

What is Creative Builders Challenge in Fortnite

The Creative Builders Challenge is a team task in which players need to vote on the theme design by the influencer’s map builders. In order to create the map based on the Fortnite theme.

creative builders challenge fortnite
creative builders challenge fortnite

The challenge has 4 phases the first phase starts and ends on 17 to 20 April 2023 in which players need to cast their vote on the challenge theme. The second phase that was started and ended on 21 April to 3 May 2023 in which map builders create the map. In the third phase, the player will play the maps and cast their final vote. In the last fourth phase, the most voted map will be announced.

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Following are the features and themes that were available for map builders to choose from Neon Lights, Dojo, Fantastical Creatures, Katanas, Cherry Blossom Trees and Bamboo.

How To Participate in Creative Builders Challenge

In order to take part in the Creative Builders Challenge players need to visit the official website () of the challenge and log in with their Epic Games account. Simply cast your vote for the theme and wait until the map is complete to get your rewards.

Step-by-Step Instructions

1. Visit the official website of the Fortnite Creative Builders challenge.

2. Login using your Epic Account credentials.

3. Give your vote on the challenge theme.

4. Wait until the map is created and then play on that map.

5. Simply, again vote for the best map that you prefer is the best.

6. Get your rewards.

The winning map will be announced on May 13, 2023, once all voting lines are closed and the map is created.

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What are the rewards of the Creative Builders Challenge

By taking part in the Creative Builders Challenge and voting on the theme will get Cuddle Cube Spray as a reward. Once the map is created and playing on that map will give you  Lil’ Sweeties Pickaxe as a reward.

fortnite creative builders challenge

Both rewards will be added to your locker within 3 to 4 weeks of completion of the Fortnite Creative Builders challenge.

This is all for this Fortnite creative builders challenge guide for more relevant content do refer to our Fortnite guides section.