Hogwarts Legacy: All Demiguise Statues Locations Walkthrough

As you play through the main story of Hogwarts Legacy, you will eventually face a quest called The Caretaker’s Lunar Lament.

Completing this quest will allow you to access the Demiguise Moons attached to the Demiguise Statues scattered all over the map. Here’s everything you should know about the Demiguise statues before you set out to collect them all.

What Are Demiguise Statues?

Demiguise statues are gold figures that somewhat resemble a sloth mixed with an ape, and each statue can be seen clutching onto an orb-like trinket that resembles the moon.

At first, these statues cannot be interacted with, but as you play through the main quest lines, you will gain the ability to interact with the statues and access their moons.

How Can You Interact With Demiguise Statues?

As you play through the game, you will come across a main story quest called The Caretaker’s Lunar Lament. Upon completion of this quest, you will learn the Alohomora spell, which enables you to access the Demiguise Statues and their moons.

Why Bother With Demiguise Statues?

The Alohomora spell in the wizarding world is used to access locks that are otherwise inaccessible to you. When you first learn the spell, it is at its lowest level, and acquiring the Demiguise moons upgrades the Alohomora spell, which gives you the ability to access higher-level locks.

Where Can You Find The Statues?

There are 30 Demiguise statues in total scattered across the Hogwarts Legacy map and 10 within the Hogwarts School premises. It is important to note that you can only access the moons at night, so even if you find them during the day.

They would be useless to you. You can switch between night and day on the map screen by pressing down the right analog stick on your console, or if you’re on a PC, simply press the F key.

All The Demiguise Locations In Hogwarts Legacy

Below we have mentioned all the Demiguise Status locations in Hogwarts Legacy.

1- Professor Fig’s Classroom, The Astronomy Wing

If you fast-travel to the astronomy wing and enter Professor Fig’s classroom, if you go up the stairs and enter his office, there is a Demiguise statue waiting in the back of his office.

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2- Muggles Studies Classroom

Teleport to the Transfiguration Classroom floo flame in the Astronomy Wing, turn around, and enter through the doors on your left.

After that, head forward and down all of the stairs on the right. Go inside the door and head down even more stairs until you reach the dragon statue.

Turn right and find the door with a level one lock on your left. Unlock the door with Alohomora and find the Demiguise statue on your right.

3- Talking Gargoyles, The Astronomy Wing

Use the Transfiguration Courtyard floo flame in the Astronomy Wing. When you arrive at your destination, enter the doors to the Defense Against the Dark Arts Tower.

Go right and up the small set of stairs to find the door with a level two lock that has two talking gargoyles on both sides of it. Use Alohomora to open the door and collect the Demiguise Moon from the statue inside.

4- Hogwarts North Exit, The Bell Tower Wing

Teleport to the Hogwarts North Exit floo flame located in the Bell Tower Wing. Once there, turn around and turn left as soon as you’re within the castle walls.

Find the door with a level one lock on the right side of the stairs, and make sure not to go up the stairs. Unlock the door and head inside to find a Demiguise statue on the right.

5- Professor Horwin’s Office, The Bell Tower Wing

Fast travel to the Beasts Classroom floo flame, which is located in the Bell Tower Wing. Turn around to find a door with a level two lock. Once you unlock the door, you can collect the Demiguise moon inside.

6- Divination Classroom, The Library Annex

Teleport to the Divination Classroom floo flame in the Library Annex. Once you’re there, make your way up the stairs and then up the ladder that falls down. Collect the Demiguise moon from the statue on Professor Onai’s desk.

7- Restricted Section, The Library Annex

Fast travel to the Library floo flame in the Library annex and turn around towards the fenced area of the library.

Enter the fenced area, which you should be familiar with as you must’ve come across it during the “Secrets of the Restricted Section” quest. Proceed to the bottom of the restricted section and then through the rooms to find the Demiguise statue.

8- Storage Closet, The Library Annex

Travel to the Potions Classroom floo flame in the Library Annex and proceed through the doors ahead. Go down the spiral staircase on the left and then through the corridor. Continue on that path until you find a door on the left with a level one lock.

Unlock the door and head down the hallway, where you will find another door with a level two lock, this time on your left. Use Alohomora to open the door and grab the Demiguise moon from the statue inside.

9- The Great Hall

Fast travel to the Great Hall floo flame in the Great Hall section of Hogwarts. Make your way forward until you come across a door with a level-one lock on your right. Unlock the door using Alohomora and get the Demiguise moon off of the table inside.

10- Locked Bathroom, South Wing

Teleport to the Faculty Tower floo flame located in the South Wing at Clock Tower Courtyard. Head straight ahead and proceed down the stairs until you reach the bottom level.

Continue through the corridor filled with musical paintings, and then head down the stairs you’ll find on the right. Turn left at the corner and walk down the hallway until you find a locked door with a level one lock.

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Unlock the door and enter the middle stall to find the Demiguise statue. You have now found all the Demiguise statues on school premises.

Where Else Can You Find Demiguise Statues?

11- Tomes And Scrolls South Hogsmeade

Enter Tomes and Scrolls in Hogsmeade and walk past Thomas Brown and the front desk. Turn left and enter the room behind Thomas; you will find a Demiguise statue waiting inside.

12- Hogsmeade Home

There’s a house in Hogsmeade in the alleyway that faces northeast near Tomes and Scrolls. This house has a level two lock, which you must get past.

Once you unlock the door with Alohomora and enter the house, head up the stairs to find the Demiguise statue in the room on the left.

13- Hog’s Head

Head inside Hog’s Head in Hogsmeade; once in, enter the room on the right side to find a Demiguise statue on top of some crates.

14- The House Behind Pippin’s Potions

Make your way to J. Pippin’s Potions and locate the house to the north of it.
Get past the level two lock on the door and proceed into the house. Go up the stairs and collect the Demiguise moon on top of the dresser.

15- Three Broomsticks

When you enter the Three Broomsticks in Hogsmeade and climb the stairs till you get to the top, you will reach a locked door. Unlock the door and collect the Demiguise moon inside.

16- The House Beside The Three Broomsticks

Staying in that general vicinity, you can find the house beside Hogsmeade that has a level one lock. Once you have unlocked the door by using Alohomora, you can head upstairs to find the Demiguise statue.

17- Dervish And Banges

This might be the most straightforward location to find a Demiguise statue. Enter Dervish and Banges, which can be located to the right of Gladrags Wizardwear, to immediately find a Demiguise statue on the counter.

18- The House Across From Brood And Peck

Here’s another straightforward location to find a Demiguise statue. Make your way to the house across from Brood and Peck and unlock the door using Alohomora. Enter the home to immediately find the Demiguise statue above the fireplace.

19- The House Behind Honeydukes

The final place within Hogsmeade where you can find a Demiguise statue is at the house behind Honeydukes. It is a straightforward find; you simply make your way to the house and unlock the door. Your Demiguise statue will be waiting for you inside.

The Rest Of The Demiguise Statues

20- Pitt-upon-ford, Northford Bog

You must make your way to Pitt-upon-ford, which is in North Ford Bog. Teleport to the floo flame, and head down the path that leads south until you find a house with three stories on the right. Enter the house and climb up the stairs till you reach the top where you’ll find the Demiguise statue on the floor.

21- Upper Hogsfield, Hogsmeade Village

Travel to the floo flame in Upper Hogsfield, which is in the northern section of Hogsmeade Valley. When you arrive, follow the path that leads north to a house with a wheel next to the door. Get past the level one lock on the door to immediately find a Demiguise statue.

22- Aranshire, South Hogwarts Region

Travel to Aranshire, located on the eastern side of the South Hogwarts Region. Enter the closest house to the floo flame, after you get past its level one lock. Head upstairs to find the Demiguise statue.

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23- Lower Hogsfield, South Hogwarts Region

Head to Lower Hogsfield, which you can find located to the south of Hogwarts in the South Hogwarts Region. Enter the house that has a rounded roof, this house is protected by a level one lock on the door. Let the door close to find the Demiguise statue on the floor.

24- Brocburrow, Hogwarts Valley

Travel to Brocburrow, which you can find in the northeastern section of Hogwarts Valley. You must make your way to the center of the town, which has a well and a few market stalls.

Turn and face northwest towards the two houses, and enter the house on the right that has a level one lock. Find the Demiguise statue on the floor immediately to the left after entering the house.

25- Keenbridge, Hogwarts Valley

Travel to Keenbridge, which you can find located around the center of Hogwarts Valley. Once you are there, follow the path that heads west out of Keenbridge to a house with pumpkins outside. This house also has a clothesline coming down from the roof.
Get through the door with a level one lock using Alohomora, and find the Demiguise statue right away inside.

26- Feldcroft, Feldcroft Region

Make your way to Feldcroft, which is located in the center of the Feldcroft region.
Once you’ve made it there, get to the east side of the town, where you’ll find a house with a clothesline coming from the roof. Enter the house to find a Demiguise statue on the window sill on the left.

27- Irondale, Feldcroft Region

Travel to Irondale, which you’ll find in the southeast of the Feldcroft Region. You must locate the house with a triangle roof and Althea Twiddle outside. Head inside and search behind the counter on the right to find the Demiguise statue.

28- Marunwreem, Marunweem Lake

Head to Marunweem, which is located in the Marunweem Lake region. Head north From the floo flame, bend into the first right turn. Follow the path to the first home you come across on the left. Unlock the door using Alohomora, where you’ll find the Demiguise statue behind the counter.

29- Bainburgh, Manor Cape

Travel to the floo flame in Bainburgh, which is located in the northern section of Manor Cape. Look away from the floo flame and then turn left; you should spot a house. Head towards the house on the left. Unlock the door and collect the Demiguise moon from the statue inside.

30- Cragcroft, Cragcroftshire

Travel to the center of Cragcroft, which can be located in the eastern section of Cragcroftshire. Make your way to the center of Cragcroft, which you can identify by noting a large tree.

Face northwest and head towards the house beside the vendor, Bella Navarro. Head inside and go to the top floor to find a Demiguise statue.


That was everything you needed to know about the Demiguise Statues and their moons. Now you’ve masked out your Alohomora, and no locked door is a match for you anymore. Enjoy your adventures in the wizarding world.

This is all for all Demiguise Statues locations in the Hogwarts Legacy guide for more relevant guides do check our Hogwarts Legacy guides section few of them are given below.

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Screenshots Credit:  Arbuckle YouTube / Avalanche Software