Kind of Engr. NYT Crossword Clue

If you’re looking for the clue of Kind of Engr. crossword puzzle then you’re on the right platform. Here at Gameinstants, we focus on solving puzzles and sharing their clue with you. Because most of the time in this modern era, people do not have enough time to do crossword puzzles but they adore crossword puzzles a lot.

The first crossword puzzle was introduced by New York Times newspaper on December 21, 1914. Most importantly the crossword puzzles were introduced in the middle of World War II and does this word game puzzle distract people from reading disturbing news of the War.

Kind of Engr. Crossword Answer Clue

Below we mentioned the clue of Kind of Engr. a crossword puzzle that we end up finding on New York Times Mini Crossword that was published on December 10, 2022.

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Answer: CIV (3 Letters)

Most importantly, make sure to cross reference the clue length with the crossword puzzle because most of the time lots of clues has multiple answers.

For more similar clues do check our NYT Mini Crossword Clue section.

February 7, 2023, Other Word Games

How To Solve Crossword Faster

If you’re focusing on solving crossword puzzles then there are some tips that come in handy for you. Below we mentioned some tips that we personally use whenever we are going to do crossword puzzles.

1. Make sure to use Pencil instead of Pen

2. Try to focus on guessing more words

3. Focus on developing your English Vocabulary

Also Read  Name Something That Comes in a Carton Clue

4. Take help from a friend or the Internet

5. Take a Break and then try again

This is sum up for this short guide for more related puzzles do check our Word Games section.