River in Greek Mythology NYT Crossword Answer Clue

Crossword puzzles are one of the best things you can find in the newspaper and solving them gives you a positive attitude along with developing your English vocabulary.

But most of the time sometimes some people do not know have enough time to solve them and in this case, they need little help such as answering clues in the crossword to save time.

If you’re looking for the answer clue of the “River in Greek Mythology” crossword puzzle well you’re lucky today. Here at Gameinstants, we try our best to solve crosswords and share their answer clue with your readers. Without wasting your time let’s focus on the clue.

River in Greek Mythology NYT Crossword Answer

Below we mentioned the answer clue of River in Greek Mythology crossword that was featured on the New York Times on December 29, 2022.

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However, make sure to cross-reference the length of the clue with the crossword puzzle because most of the time some clue has numerous answers.

Answer: MOPIER (6 Letters)

To find more answer clues you can also check our NYT Crossword Clue section.

February 10, Other Word Games

Most people do not know that the crossword puzzle was first published by New York World on December 21, 1913, at the time of World War I. At the time the crossword puzzle was called Word-Cross and they play an important role in distracting from the disturbing news of the war.

This is the end of this short guide for more similar word gaming content you can check our Word Games section.

Also Read  End of Level Challenge In a Video Game NYT Crossword Clue

Reference: NYT Crossword