Hogwarts Legacy: Who Published the Law of Elemental Transfiguration

Throughout the game Hogwarts Legacy the fans of the Harry Potter series and the wizarding world are free to roam across the famed fictional magic school.

You can roam around the school and you are able to explore the things in Hogwarts Legacy or you can learn also about the history of magic and the ancient history of the institution.

If you want to access this game as a student of the 19th century. You may explore a lot of lore in its area for you until the main plot of Harry Potter has to pass. And like this one of the important topics in Hogwarts Legacy is what is the name of the publisher of the Law of Elemental Transfiguration.

Who Published the Law of Elemental Transfiguration in Hogwarts Legacy?

who published the law of elemental transfiguration
Image via Gameinstants

The publisher of the Law of Elemental Transfiguration as described in Hogwarts Legacy is Gamp. You will be asked this question by Sophronia Franklin who is a student of Ravenclaw and you will get three options:

  1. Gamp.
  2. Evangeline Orpington.
  3. Laverne de Montmorency.
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After answering correctly you will be rewarded with 1 Maxima Potion, 1 Edurus Potion and 3 Wiggenweld Potions.

The Law of Elemental Transfiguration in Hogwarts Legacy

Here we are going to discuss the main rules of the Transfiguration and also the restrictions of what you are able to do with the conjuration maintaining discipline. You have to gather the basic food items and creatures.

Multiply, or otherwise transform them but you are not able to collect something which is not common. Food is one of the simple ways to gather with Transfiguration but you can make cookies or even you can bake them but they are not going to taste the same from scratch.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is the developer of the Hogwarts Legacy?

Avalanche Software

How much does JK Rowling make from Hogwarts Legacy?

$50 million to $100 million each year

Who is resistant to Avada Kedavra?

Albus Dumbledore

What spell reverses Avada Kedavra?

A killing curse can not be reversed

What spell counters Avada Kedavra?

sacrificial protection

What is the name of the most powerful spell in Hogwarts Legacy?

Avada Kedavra

Which Harry Potter is the highest selling?

Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone. More than 600 million copies worldwide we’re sold of this book.