Falling 5 stories in Fortnite can indeed be a death sentence but unfortunately, it is inevitable since there is a quest which demands you to do so in order to complete it.
Lucky for you we have devised strategies you can use in order to take the fall with minimal or no damage at all. Here are some tips on how to fall five stories or more without taking damage in Fortnite.
How To Complete Fall 5 Stories or More Without Taking Damage in Fortnite
Below we mentioned some of the ways that you can use in order to complete the Fall 5 Stories or More Without Taking Damage quest in Fortnite.
Use an Air Vent or Grind Rail
Air vents and grind rails can be found all over the Fortnite map, and they can be used to negate fall damage. Simply jump off a high ledge and land on an air vent or grind rail, and you’ll safely reach the ground below.
Use The ODM Gear
The ODM Gear is a new item that was added to Fortnite in Chapter 4 Season 2. It allows you to grapple onto walls and zip around the map. You can use ODM Gear to safely fall from a high height by grappling onto a wall or other object before you hit the ground.
Use the Kinetic Blade
The Kinetic Blade is another new item that was added to Fortnite in Chapter 4 Season 2. It is a melee weapon that can be used to dash forward. You can use the Kinetic Blade to safely fall from a high height by dashing into the ground before you hit it.
Use a launch Pad
The Launch pads are a common item that can be found all over the Fortnite map. They can be used to launch yourself into the air, which can be helpful if you need to fall from a high height without taking damage.
Use a Rift-to-Go
The Rift-to-Gos is a rare item that can be found in chests and supply drops. They allow you to teleport to a random location on the map. You can use a Rift-to-Go to safely fall from a high height by teleporting to a lower location before you hit the ground.
Use a Lightsaber
The Lightsabers are a new weapon in Fortnite which has a double jump ability that can save you from taking fall damage.
Have a friend force push you. If you have a friend who has the Force ability, then they can force-push you. This will prevent you from taking fall damage.
Best Location in Fortnite To Pefrom Fall 5 Stories Quest
The best location to perform the Fall 5 Stories in Fortnite is The Citadel and Mega City in these locations you can find the perfect location to perform the fall.

If you follow these tips, you should be able to fall 5 stories or more without taking damage in Fortnite.
Here are some additional tips.
- Make sure you have enough health before you attempt to fall. If you’re low on health, you’re more likely to take damage from a fall.
- Try to land on your feet. Landing on your feet will help to reduce the amount of damage you take from a fall.
- Avoid landing on objects that can cause you to take damage, such as cars or trees.
With a little practice, you’ll be able to fall 5 stories or more without taking damage in Fortnite in no time!
This is all for the how to complete the Fall 5 Stories or More without getting damaged in Fortnite. You can also check our guides in the Fortnite guides section.
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