Timmy, known as “iiTzTimmy,” is a full-time content creator. He is one of the streamers for 100 Thieves. Timmy is mainly known for his gameplay in Apex Legends. He also plays many other games like Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, League of Legends, and PUBG.
Timmy started streaming in the summer of 2019. He has 1.7 Million subscribers on YouTube. And 125.4K views on Twitch. He has a lot of fans, and his fans usually wonder what settings he uses for Apex.
Here I have listed all the settings iiTzTimmy uses for Apex, including the crosshair, config, and more.
iiTzTimmy’s Mouse Settings for Apex
- DPI: 1800
- Sensitivity: 1.1
- ADS Sensitivity Multiplier: 1.05
- Per Optic ADS Sensitivity: Off
- eDPI: 1980
- Hz: 1000
- Acceleration: Off
iiTzTimmy’s Keybinds for Apex
Here are all the Keybinds iiTzTimmy uses for Apex
- Crouch: C
- Jump: Mouse Wheel Down
- Sprint: L-Shift
Weapons and Abilities
- Tactical Ability: 3
- Ultimate Ability: 4
- interact/pickup: E
- Alternate Interact: X
- Inventory: Tab
- Map: M
- Toggle Fire Mode: B
- Melee: Mouse Button 4
- Equip Weapon 1: 1
- Equip Weapon 2: 2
- Holster Weapon: X
- Equip Grenade: T
- Equip Survival Item: L-Alt
- Use Syringe: 5
- Use Med Kit: 6
- Use Shield Cell: 7
- Use Shield Battery: 8
- Use Phoenix Kit: 9
iiTzTimmy’s Video Settings for Apex
- Display Mode: Full Screen
- Resolution: 1920×1080
- Aspect Ratio: 16:9
- Brightness: 50%
- FOV: 104
- FOV Ability Scaling: Disabled
- Sprint View Shake: Minimal
iiTzTimmy’s Advanced Video Settings for Apex
- V-Sync: Disabled
- NVIDIA Reflex: Enabled+Boost
- Anti-Aliasing: None
- Texture Streaming Budget: Very Low
- Texture Filtering: Anisotropic 16x
- Ambient Occlusion Quality: Disabled
- Sun Shadow Coverage: Low
- Sun Shadow Detail: Low
- Spot Shadow Detail: Disabled
- Model Detail: Low
- Effects Detail: Low
- Impact Marks: Low
- Ragdolls: Low
That is all for the Apex settings of iiTzTimmy. But remember that these settings are what Apex uses, and they might not be the best for you, so you can experiment and customize the settings according to your liking.