Is COD Cold War Cross-Platform

After the release of Call of Duty Black Ops Cold War, there are a lot of new features were introduced in this game for the players. If you’re searching for cold war cross-platform information then we’ve got you covered.

Here we have shared all the information about the Cold War cross-play feature for various gaming platforms. The cross-play compatibility means you can play the same video game using different devices from different locations.

In simple words, if you own PlayStation 4 and your friend owns Windows PC and the game that both wanted to play supports the Cross-Platform option for both devices. In this case, you both can play the same game with your own devices without having a hassle.

is call of duty cold war crossplay
is cold war cross platform

Is Call of Duty Black Ops: Cold War Cross-Platform?

The answer is Yes, Call of Duty Black Ops: Cold War supports the cross-platform option in 2023. In simple words, players who own Xbox One, Windows PC, or PlayStation console can play together without having any issues.

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But there is a catch, the cross-play option is different for Xbox, PC, and PlayStation devices.

The Xbox and PC players cannot disable the cross-platform option because this feature is required for matchmaking into lobbies and games.

On another hand the case if different for the PlayStation player, if you own the PlayStation then you can easily turn off the cross-platform option and play against other PS players.

This is all for this guide for more similar articles do read our Call of Duty Guides for more helpful content such as All Roze Skin Types or how to get free COD points and more.