30+ Mee6 Commands List to Become a Better Discord User

Discord is a free chat service for gamers. It allows you to communicate with your fellow gamers and keep track of your entire guild.

However, if you want to get the most out of Discord, there are many bot commands that can be used in order to become a better Discord user and connect more easily with other people.

Mee6 is a free, open-source bot that can be installed on Discord servers. It’s used by many communities to help users automate various tasks like playing music when they enter the channel or banning trolls quickly.

There are over 100 commands that can be issued in chat through mee6 and this article will go over 12 of them that will make you more efficient as a user.

What is MEE6 Bot?

Mee6 is a chatbot that allows you to automate certain tasks on your Discord server. It’s open source and there are over 100 commands that can be issued in chat.

Why should you use Mee6 bot?

If you have a Discord server, then Meee can automate various tasks for your members. For example, if someone joins, Meee can send them a welcome message. If someone types! ping, then the bot will reply with their ping time to various servers.

Mee6 Bot Features

Here are some of the features of Meee:

1. Over 100 commands to make your life easier

There are over 100 commands that can be issued in chat through Meee. Some of these include ! ping, !whois and ! uptime.

2. Easily add custom commands

You can easily add custom commands to your Meee bot by modifying the config.json file that it comes with. You just have to know how to code in JavaScript and some basic HTML.

3. The best visual music player on discord

One of the cool things about Meee is that it has a built-in music player. If you add songs to your playlist, you can play them by typing the song name in chat.

30+ Useful Mee6 Commands and How to Use Them

Use the mee! help command to get an overview of all available commands. All Meee commands can be split into two categories. There are commands that can be used for moderation, management and administration of your server or Discord channels. Then there are music commands that allow you to play music from YouTube or Soundcloud through your voice channel with a simple chat command.

1. Moderation and Management

The first group of commands is designed for moderation, management and administration of your server.

The following are all the commands that can be used to quickly ban or mute trolls, spammers and abusers in your Discord channels.

  • !ban @user – bans a user in your server
  • !ban_ip ip – bans a specific IP address from your Discord server
  • !mute @user – mutes a user in your server
  • !unmute @user – unmutes a user on your Discord server
  • !owner @user – makes a specific user the owner of your Discord server
  • !remove_devoice @user – removes devoiced status of a user in your server
  • !remove_owner @user – removes owner status of a user on your Discord Server
  • !remove_role – removes a specific role from your Discord server
  • !remove_role @user – removes a role from the user you mention in your command
  • !remove_server – removes your Discord server from the list of servers owned by you
  • !rename @oldname – changes the name of your Discord server to any name you want
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2. Music commands

The second group of commands is designed to play music through your voice channel.

  • !channel_author – displays the author’s name of the last song that was played in a specific Discord channel by using !play command
  • !channel_next – selects and plays the next track from YouTube or Soundcloud playlist on all active voice chats
  • !help – displays all available commands in a specific voice chat
  • !info – shows information about the currently playing song on a Discord channel. It includes title, author and url of the YouTube video or Soundcloud track that is being played at this time
  • !play [url] – plays a YouTube video or Soundcloud playlist from an URL you give it
  • !playlist – shows a list of all YouTube playlists or SoundCloud tracks you have in your playlist
  • !stop – stops the currently playing song on Discord voice chat
  • !volume [number] – sets the volume of your voice chat. The number can be between 0 and 100.
  • !youtube [track] – plays a specific YouTube video for everyone on your voice chat. You can also mention any user in the command to play their favourite song from Youtube
  • !youtubelist [playlist_id] – adds a new entry to the list of YouTube videos that will be played when you use !play command. The playlist_id is the number that YouTube assigns to every playlist. You can find it by using !youtube command and then clicking on a specific video you want to add
  • !soundcloud [track] – plays a specific Soundcloud track for everyone in your voice chat
  • !soundcloudlist [playlist_id] – adds an entry to the list of Soundcloud tracks that will be played when you use !play command. The playlist_id is a number assigned by Soundcloud to every user’s playlist. You can find it with !soundcloud command and clicking on any track in your playlists
  • !stop – stops playing music through voice chat

3. Levels commands

These are the commands that are used for managing levels of users in your Discord server.

  • !level @user level – checks the current level of a user on your server or Discord channel
  • !rank [@user] username – lists all levels and ranks from lowest to highest for every member with that username in your chat. If you mention any specific user’s name, it will only list their rank and not everyone who has this exact username.
  • !ranks – lists all ranks and levels from lowest to highest for every member in your chat
  • !addpoints @user number – gives a specific user some points on your Discord server or voice channel when you mention their username. The number can be any positive integer between 0-100000 that they will receive as a reward after the command is executed
  • !removepoints @user number – removes a specific amount of points from the user you mention in that Discord channel or voice chat. The number can be any negative integer between -100000 and 0
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4. Birthday commands

Use these commands to congratulate or wish happy birthdays to a user in your Discord server.

  • !birthday [@user] – lists all users with their birthdays on the current date, if you mention any specific user’s name in your command it will only list his/her birthday and not everyone who has this exact username
  • !next-birthday [@user] – calculates and shows the next birthday of a user you mention in your voice chat. It will also tell you how many days are left until that date
  • !remember-birthday [@user] – stores the birthday of a user you mention in your voice chat. It will also tell you how many days are left until that date
  • !happybirthday [@user] – sends a happy birthday song to everyone on your Discord server or voice chat, if you mention any specific user’s name in the command it will only wish them a happy birthday and not send this message to every user who has that exact username
  • !birthdaycalendar – brings up an interactive calendar where you can find the date of birth for any month and year
  • !birthdaycalendar [month] – shows a calendar with all months from the current year to the next. If you mention a specific month, it will show only that month’s birthday without asking the user to input the exact number
  • !birthdaycalendar [year] – brings up a calendar where you can enter the year you want to see all birthdays
  • !birthdaycalendar [month] [year] – shows a calendar with only that month and specific year’s birth dates. If you mention any user in your command, it will send this message to everyone on the Discord server or voice chat who has a birthday on the current date except for the user you mention
  • !help – brings up the help menu with all available commands

5. Search Commands

Mee6 also has a search function that allows you to look for specific words or phrases on the web.

  • !search [word] – searches Discord server and voice chat for specific word or phrase, if you mention any username it will only search that person’s messages without showing results from every user
  • !imgur [word or phrase] – searches for images on Imgur with that word or phrase.
  • !wiki word – looks up for word on Wikipedia
  • !wiki phrase – looks up for phrase on Wikipedia
  • !youtube [word] – searches YouTube website or video playlist for a specific word, if you mention any username it will only search that person’s messages without showing results from every user

6. Message commands

Meee allows you to send messages privately to users on your server or channel.

!message [@user] – sends a message to everyone in your Discord server or voice chat except for the user you mention, if you mention any username it will search only messages from that person without showing results from every user

!msg playername text – privately send a message with specific player’s name and content of the message. If you mention any username, it will search only messages from that person without showing results from every user

!msg playername message – sends a private message to the user you mention in this command, if there are multiple usernames separated by commas it will send the same message to everyone who has that exact username

!dm playername [message] – sends a direct message to the user you mention in this command, if there are multiple usernames separated by commas it will send the same message to everyone who has that exact username

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!ping – pings your Discord server or voice chat with Meee bot for any reason. If you want the specific person back, simply mention their name in the command

!ping playername – pings the user you mention with Meee bot, if there are multiple usernames separated by commas it will ping everyone who has that exact username. If someone mentions Meee in their message to your server or channel, this person will receive a notification about being pinged

!ping me – pings your Discord chat with Meee bot

!ping all – sends a ping to everyone on the Discord server or voice chat, if you mention any username it will only ping that person and not every user in the channel. If someone mentions Meee in their message to your server or channel, this person will receive a notification about being pinged

!ping everyone – sends a ping to every Discord user in the server or voice chat, if you mention any username it will only ping that person and not every user in the channel. If someone mentions Meee in their message to your server or channel, this person will receive a notification about being pinged

!ping meee – pings your Discord server or voice chat with Meee bot

!ping allmee – sends a ping to everyone on the Discord server or voice chat, if you mention any username it will only ping that person and not every user in the channel. If someone mentions Meee in their message to your

7. Economy commands

Meee allows you to manage your server’s economy with ease.

  • !balance – shows your current balance, you can set it to private with !balance [amount] – for example if you want to show how much money you have to other people on your server you can use !balance 100 or just !balance to show it for everyone
  • !shop – shows all items currently on sale in the Discord server or voice chat if you mention any username it will only show items from that person without showing results from every user
  • !coins – shows how many coins you have in your Meee account, if someone mentions Coins in a message to your server or channel they will receive a notification about this command
  • !daily – shows how many coins you get daily for having a Discord Nitro subscription
  • !guess – allows you to guess the price of an item that’s currently on sale in the Discord server or voice chat.
  • !price – shows how much an item costs.
  • !buy [amount] – buying a specific amount of coins, you can use ‘$’ to insert the number
  • !bal playername [usd] – sets a specific amount of money for the user you mention in this command, if there are multiple usernames separated by commas it will set that money for everyone who has that exact username

Other Mee6 Commands You Might Find Useful

There are many other mee6 commands that might come in handy when you get used to them. Here is a list of some useful commands: !addrole @user,!delrole @user,!addmanager @user, !delmanager @user ,!lockchannel [reason],!unlockchannel.

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