Overwatch 2: All Mythic Skins and How To Unlock guide

Mythic skins in Overwatch 2 are rare, customizable skins which are only available as battle pass rewards and are some of the hardest items to obtain in the game. The skins are one of the most grinded in the game and getting them are the main goals of the players.

Because Mythic skins are higher tier than Legendary skins. So, with the game evolving and expanding, more Mythic skins will be released. If you’re interested in getting your hands on one, believe me you’re not alone, here’s a look at the available Mythic skins in Overwatch 2, as well as how you can unlock them.

Mythic skins and how to unlock them 

Here’s a look at every Mythic skin in Overwatch 2 and how to unlock each one:

Cyber Demon Genji

Cyberdemon Genji Overwatch 2
Blizzard Entertainment

Cyber Demon Genji can only be unlocked by completing tier 80 in season one battle pass. To complete this tier, you’ll need to finish challenges and get as many wins as possible in Quick Play. Once you have enough XP, the skin will unlock alongside a matching spray and player icon.

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Zeus Junker Queen

Zeus Junker Queen Overwatch 2 1
Blizzard Entertainment

To unlock, all you need do is to purchase the premium battle pass and level it up to tier 80. Making it to tier 80 unlocks the skin as well as a matching player icon and spray.

Amaterasu Kiriko

Amaterasu Kiriko Overwatch 2
Blizzard Entertainment

The skin is available to unlock at level 80 in the season three battle pass before being vaulted, like previous Mythic skins. Alongside being able to customize colours, players can pick out her weapon, hairstyle, and headpiece.

Galactic Emperor Sigma 

Galactic Emperor Sigma overwatch 2
Blizzard Entertainment

The Galactic Emperor skin can be customized like other previous skins, and it was released as a part of the season 4 battle pass. There are two weapon options, three color options, three armor options, and three headpiece options.

Those are all the Mythic skins currently available in Overwatch 2. While working towards grabbing the new skins, let me know your thoughts about these Mythic skins in the comment section.

This is end of this short guide for more similar content do check our Overwatch 2 guides section.

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