Stardew Valley: Tilapia Where to Catch

In Stardew Valley, Tilapia is a fish that is used for food recipes, tailoring, fish ponds, and as an ingredient in Quality Fertilizers. It can be difficult to find, and catching this fish depends on your location. Moreover, you must know when and where to catch Tilapia in Stardew Valley. 

It can randomly appear in Krobus shops on Wednesdays or sometimes on the Traveling Card. Magic Balt can catch it regardless of the time of day or season. In this article, I will give you a full guide to catching Tilapia and its best locations. 

Best Place to find Tilapia in Stardew Valley

Tilapia Stardew Valley

The best location in Stardew Valley to find Tilapia is Ginger Island. You can go fishing on Island West in freshwater or on Island North to find the fish. Ginger Island is located in the Fern Islands archipelago. You have to go to Willy’s fish shop and find its backroom to get there. 

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After you repair the boat, you can buy tickets to visit the island. You cannot buy tickets until you complete the Joja Community Development Form or visit the Community Center in Pelican Town. After you are done fishing, return to Stardew Valley by returning to the boat. 

Other locations to find Tilapia in Stardew Valley

As finding Tilapia on Ginger Island is the easiest, there are other locations on the map where you can also find Tilapia. Here are other locations.

  • The Beach
  • Krobus Shop
  • Travelling Cart

The best time to catch Tilapia is between 6 a.m. to 2 p.m. The weather and the day do not matter.