What is Secret Note 19 in Stardew Valley

what is secret note 19

The Secret Notes are part of the A Winter Mystery quest in Stardew Valley. So if you complete the quest in which you need to follow the NPC called Shadow Guy you can find him in the  North of Pelican Town by following its footprints. Once you find him you will discover the Shadow Guy … Read more

How to Craft Stonecutter in Minecraft

how i can make stonecutter in minecraft

Wondering how to craft Stronecutter in Minecraft don’t worry here we featured a complete guide that helps you to know the entire process and items you need to build a Stonecutter in the game along what are the uses of it along with other useful information. In Minecraft, there are lots of items that players … Read more

5 Letter Word Starting with A l

five letter begin with a i

The players may incorporate the difference between the crosswords and the words for engaging with the words starting with al. It gives a pleasure to solve the crossword. The perspective of words starting with  A L helps to engage Figure of the day Stop in most cases because what came users get with this kind … Read more

How To Get Clay in Stardew Valley

stardew valley clay

In Stardew Valley there are multiple resources and items that players need to collect in order to progress further in the game. One of the important items in Stardew Valley is Clay which has multiple uses but finding or obtaining it is not easy. Here we featured a guide on how to get the clay … Read more