Where to find Graphorn Horn in Hogwarts Legacy?

In Hogwarts Legacy, there are two ways you can get the Graphorn Horn. You can have Graphorn Horn Hogwarts Legacy by capturing Graphorn or by purchasing from the Market.

You can have one Graphon by completing the quest and from the market, you can purchase it with some Galleons. There are lots of uses of Graphorn Horns in Hogwarts Legacy, it is used as crafting material. 

Here we have listed where you can purchase the Graphorn Horns Hogwarts Legacy and how to get the Graphorn Horns in Hogwarts Legacy.

How To Get Graphorn Horns in Hogwarts Legacy?

Graphorn Hogwarts Legacy 1
Image via Gameinstants

Graphorn is one of the warrior magical creatures you can capture in Hogwarts Legacy. To capture the Graphorn, you need to attempt the quest in Hogwarts Legacy. By completing San Bakar’s Trial quest you can have the Graphorn creature in Hogwarts Legacy. 

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In this quest, you need to battle with the Graphorn in his Den. The Graphorn Den is located on the Claigmar Coast

To defeat Graphorn, you need to play more defensively than aggressively, the claws won’t let you stand. You have to dodge and attack to capture the Graphorn. As you level down Graphorn’s HP level.

There will be two options for you, either defeat Graphorn or Collab with Graphorn. In this battle you won’t be able to use the unforgivable curse, however, you can use basic casts, Confringo, and Diffindo. 

As you use it to capture the Graphorn, it will be added to your animal inventory and also placed in the Vivarium Room of Requirement. 

To get the Graphorn Horn you have to make a visit to Vivarium, there you should use Beast Petting Brush to pet and use the Beast Feed to Feed the Graphorn. As a reward or kindness, Graphorn will give you Horn. 

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Where To Buy Graphorn Horn in Hogwarts Legacy?

There are plenty of shops in Hogwarts Legacy where you can purchase the Graphorn Horns. 

Brood and Peck Shop

You can purchase Graphorn Horns from the Brood and Peck Shop. The Brood and Pack Shop is located near the river on the northeast side of Hogsmeade.

To get access to the Brood and Peck shop you have to complete the Elf, Sack, and Loom quest. You need to spend 700 Galleons to get the Graphorn Horn from the Brood and Peck shop. 

Padraic Haggarty’s Hamlet Shop

Hamlet shop is owned by Padraic Haggarty, the shop is located in Irondale between two mountains. You can also get Graphorn Horns from the Hamlet shop with 700 Galleons. 

Indira Wolff’s Hamlet Shop

Indira Wolff is a merchant NPC in Hogwarts Legacy. You can find her shop in Pitt-Upon-Ford. Where you can purchase the Graphorn Horns for 700 Galleons. 

Where To Use Graphorn Horn in Hogwarts Legacy?

By petting and feeding Graphorn, you can get the Graphorn Horn in Hogwarts Legacy. This horn can be used to upgrade Gear and to trait up the equipment. When you capture the first Graphorn it can be used as your ride.

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Further, you can capture Graphorn only one Graphorn spawn at a time. You can have more Graphorn and breed them too. As you do that you can have a number of Graphorn Horns that can be used to upgrade the gears and Trait up the equipment.


Attempt the San Bakar’s Trial quest and reach the southern part of Clagamar Coast to grab the Lord of the Shore, Graphorn.

The Graphorn is hard to defeat but a defensive match can help to capture. When you diminish the HP level of Graphorn, there will be two options either Kneel or Defeat. You can choose any of those, the Graphorn is yours. 

This is all for how to get Graphorn Horn in Hogwarts Legacy for more relevant guides do check our Hogwarts Legacy guides section or homepage.