Best Strategies for Pokemon Go League Battles

Season 15 of the Pokemon Go Battle League will run from June to September 2023. Besides the traditional Great, Ultra, and Master Leagues, a few special cups will be inlcuded this season including the upcoming Fossil Cup in July 20 and the Jungle Cup in August 3. Players will be able to complete their Clay set if they reach the Expert Rank, which is followed by the Legend rank.

Go Battles occur in real-time. As such, outwitting and outmatching the opponent is easier said than done. Newer players often struggle in the competitive environment if they don’t grasp the basics of PvP. To cut down on the mistakes, below are some of the known strategies for Pokemon Go League Battles.

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go battle league season 15
Image via NIANTIC

Use a T.M. to change Quick Move or Charged Move

Each Pokemon in the battle party should have a Charged Move that costs less energy and high damage. That way, players can force their opponents to use Shields and leave others in their party vulnerable. The Quick Move should also be true to its name and have a high DPS and EPS (energy accumulated per second for the Charged Move) with multiple type effectiveness.

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For example, Fury Cutter has a DPS of 7.5 with a 15 EPS. The Bug-type move is the ideal counter for Psychic-, Grass-, and Dark-type Pokemon.

Most of the captured Pokemons come with preset main moves that require massive energy. These can be easily changed by a T.M. To use a T.M., click the Poke Ball button while in the Map view. Then, click ‘Bag’ and scroll down. Choose which T.M. to use – Fast, Charged, or Elite – before confirming which Pokemon should learn the move.

Have a strong Opener

Trainers often mistake a ‘strong Opener’ to be one with the best IV and CP level. While these are vital elements, some additional factors also influence the selection of the first Pokemon in the battle party.

  • The Opener should have multiple type-resistances
  • Good overall stats, essentially high durability and high damage.
  • Two different Charged Moves. Eg: Dark Pulse (Dark) and Flamethrower (Fire)

A strong opening Pokemon should be able to burn through the opponent’s Shields and give you an early advantage. More often than not, Dragon-types and Steel-types are the preferred options as they have few weaknesses. This is why Altaria and Skarmory are a common sight in the Great League Battles.

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Cut down on type weaknesses

Dual-typing in Pokemon has several advantages as well as disadvantages. Research the type weakness of each Pokemon before choosing the battle party. For example, Whiscash and Swampert are only weak to Grass-type attacks. Riskier ones include Onix because it is vulnerable to Fighting-, Ground-, Ice-, Steel-, Grass-, and Water-type attacks, and Venomoth since it is weak to Fire, Flying, Psychic, and Rock types.

Switches in the Pokemon Go League Battle

When a match-up doesn’t suit a trainer, for example, his fire-type Pokemon Charizard squares up against the water-type Blastoise, it is best to Switch. Changing Pokemon is risky though. A cooldown appears on screen once a trainer switches Pokemon in the game and they rarely get a second chance in the Great League.

Snorlax, Vigoroth, and Zangoose are some of the top switch picks because of their ability to absorb damage and less elemental weaknesses. They set the platform for the Closer by burning through Shields once the Opener failed in the task. It is also recommended to charge up a ‘mon’s main move before Switching so that it can be used instantly in the future.

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Used Shields strategically

This is easier said than done. Players often choose to reserve Shields for one final push with their last Pokemon but end up being dominated by the opponent. Similarly, others use the main move barriers early in the game and get wrecked in the latter half.

While using Shields, it is best to note the HP of one’s Pokemon and their Charged Move energy. A trainer should ideally use one if they believe they could take down the other Pokemon, or a Shield, by retaliating with a main move of their own. On the other hand, they can save it for later if the Opener’s HP is low and if they believe defending it won’t be a wise strategy since it will be taken down by Quick Moves.

End on a decisive note

In the endgame, players rarely have any Shields left. This is why the third Pokemon should have the best DPS moveset in the entire battle party while possessing a strong Defense and Special Defense. Opt for hard-hitting attacks and shoot the Charge Move the moment it refills rather than reserving it. Speed is key in the endgame.

Source: Pokemon Go