Fire Staff Code: Upgrading Guide (COD: Black Ops 3 – Zombies Chronicles)

Fire Staff is one of the best all four staff that you can use to shoot zombies, and robots and is helpful for solving puzzles and more. However to obtain the fire staff in Call of Duty Black Ops 3 Zombies Chronicles you need to obtain the items that you can use to craft the Fire staff.

Here we feature a guide that helps how you can craft fire staff along with the fire staff code and upgrading guide. Without wasting your precious time let’s focus on the guide.

Fire Staff Code & Upgrading Guide

Similarly to other stuff, you need to gather the items to craft the fire staff. For this, you need to collect the different pieces of the weapon and for that, you need to complete a few tasks. Such as shooting an orange, glowing plane, conquering the Panzer, and powering up six generator.

Once you collect all the different pieces of the staff you need to head to the Cazy Place in order to build the Fire Staff. After successfully building the staff you need to upgrade it.

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For upgrading the fire staff you also need to complete a few tasks.

In the first task, you need to head to the place where you see 4 fire cauldrons. This is a simple task you need to kill the zombies to fill the fire cauldrons. You need to kill 30 to 35 zombies to fully fill the cauldrons and then you can move to the next task.

The second task is located in the church’s basement and is one of the hardest tasks to complete for upgrading the fire staff. In this task, you need to find the numbered torches in the church along with the symbols on the walls.

Basically, you need to figure out what touch you need to shoot using the fire staff. Below we mentioned the map of the fire staff code that comes in handy for you.

code fire staff

Once you shoot the correct order of the touches and hear Samantha. Head to the Excavation Site and there you need to align the massive rings in order and then shoot the ball under it using the fire staff.

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In the last head back to Cazy Place and place the fire staff inside the handler then kill the zombies to fully charge the fire staff to complete the upgradation process.

This is the end of this short guide for more similar content such as how to upgrade Ice Staff and more do check our COD Black Ops 3 Zombies Chronicles guide panel.