There are 90 playable characters in Heroes of the Storm and picking the perfect one is not an easy task if you’re a new player. Here we made a Heroes of the Storm tier list based on the abilities, skills, power damage, defence, current meta and more.
Heroes of the Strom Tier List
In this tier list, we have arranged six tiers from S Tier to F Tier. In which the S tier has all the strongest characters and the F Tier has all the weakest characters of the game.
S- Tier

All the strongest characters of the Heroes of the Storm game.
Hero | Role |
Deathwing | Bruiser |
Kael’thas | Ranged Assassin |
Xul | Bruiser |
These are all close to the strongest character means that can deliver a head-to-head battle with S Tier characters.

As you’ll see, there is a lot of tanks, including favourites like Johanna or Garrosh, and range assassins in the A Tier.
Hero | Role |
Ana | Healer |
Anduin | Healer |
Blaze | Tank |
Chen | Bruiser |
Dehaka | Bruiser |
E.T.C | Tank |
Garrosh | Tank |
Gul’dan | Ranged Assassin |
Hanzo | Ranged Assassin |
Imperius | Bruiser |
Johanna | Tank |
Lunara | Ranged Assassin |
Raynor | Ranged Assassin |
Fenix | Ranged Assassin |
Leoric | Bruiser |
Malfurion | Healer |
Muradin | Tank |
Tychus | Ranged Assassin |

The heroes class B Tier in HotS is packed with fans, many of whom have proven to be very successful when used properly. While A Tier is not quite, in this collection of heroes there is still consistency.
Hero | Role |
Abathur | Support |
Alarak | Melee Assassin |
Alexstrasza | Healer |
Anub’arak | Tank |
Arthas | Tank |
Auriel | Healer |
Cassia | Ranged Assassin |
Deckard | Healer |
Diablo | Tank |
Falstad | Ranged Assassin |
Genji | Ranged Assassin |
Greymane | Ranged Assassin |
Jaina | Ranged Assassin |
Junkrat | Ranged Assassin |
Kerrigan | Melee Assassin |
Li Li | Healer |
Li-Ming | Ranged Assassin |
Lúcio | Healer |
Maiev | Melee Assassin |
Mal’ganis | Tank |
Malthael | Bruiser |
Mephisto | Ranged Assassin |
Orphea | Ranged Assassin |
Qhira | Melee Assassin |
Ragnaros | Bruiser |
Rehgar | Healer |
Rexxar | Bruiser |
Stitches | Tank |
Stukov | Healer |
Sonya | Bruiser |
Sylvanas | Ranged Assassin |
Thrall | Bruiser |
Uther | Healer |
Whitman’s | Healer |
Yrel | Bruiser |
Zarya | Support |
Zeratul | Melee Assassin |
Zul’jin | Ranged Assassin |

The heroes of the C Tier of HotS are usually upper-average characters.
Hero | Role |
Artanis | Bruiser |
Azmodan | Ranged Assassin |
Brightwing | Healer |
Chromie | Ranged Assassin |
D.Va | Bruiser |
Illidan | Melee Assassin |
Kharazim | Healer |
Kel’thuzad | Ranged Assassin |
Lt. Morales | Healer |
Medivh | Support |
Nazeebo | Ranged Assassin |
Nova | Ranged Assassin |
Samuro | Melee Assassin |
Sgt. Hammer | Ranged Assassin |
Cassandra | Ranged Assassin |
The Lost Vikings (TLV) | Support |
Tracer | Ranged Assassin |
Tyrael | Tank |
Tyrande | Healer |
Valeera | Melee Assassin |
Valla | Ranged Assassin |
Varian | Bruiser |
Zagara | Ranged Assassin |

In this Tier all the heroes are average characters which means you need to practice with these characters to play with them. Each of of these heroes has some advantages, they are mostly seen as demanding much effort and almost perfect playing to make them useful.
Hero | Role |
Cho’gall | Tank/Ranged Assassin |
Gazlowe | Melee Assassin |
Murky | Melee Assassin |
Probius | Ranged Assassin |
The Butcher | Melee Assassin |

This tier heroes are middle-average and you need to practice with them a long to play with them properly.
Hero | Role |
Nazeebo | Ranged Assassin |
Nova | Ranged Assassin |
Samuro | Melee Assassin |
T.L.V. | Support |
Tyrael | Tank |
Tyrande | Healer |
Valla | Ranged Assassin |
Varian | Bruiser |
Zagara | Ranged Assassin |
Kharazim | Healer |
Valeera | Melee Assassin |

The F Tier heroes are below average, and all these heroes are weak and you should avoid playing with them. If you don’t have experience playing the Heroes of the Storm.
Hero | Role |
TheButcher | MeleeAssassin |
Cho’gall | RangedAssassin With a large design |
Gazlowe | MeleeAssassin |
Murky | MeleeAssassin |
Probius | RangedAssassin |
Heros Roles in the Heroes of the Storm
Each hero is therefore graded according to these factors. Of the six listed here, each hero in HOTS is assigned a role:
Heroes who guard their squad against incoming attacks. In clashes/team battles, they usually take longer than others.
The Bruiser does not like tanks for protection. In exchange, they have a strong risk that makes them a hybrid mix between offence and defence.
Heroes that provide other allies with buffs and utility skills. By contrast, the progress of opponents can also be hampered by de-buffs and other changes in rank.
The heroes concentrate on healing allies and reducing the party’s harm.
Melee Assassin
The Pure attackers cause significant damage in close proximity to opponents.
Assassin Ranged
Similar to Melee Assassin but a long-range attack. They are also more squishy (easier to kill) than their counterparts for melee.
Hopefully, this guide is helpful, to know all the strongest and weakest heroes in the Heroes of the Storm in the current meta. For more similar articles check our Heroes of the Storm guides for more useful information.
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