Use These Tips to Get Better at Apex Legends

Well if you want to be a winner in Apex Legends you needed to have one of the finest and strongest apex legends characters in the game. Apex legends have multiple powerful characters but the thing is all characters are not ready-built for glory.

If you are an experienced player then things are different for you. But for the beginner is way too difficult to get glory in the game without having a hassle.

In this article, I have shared some of the working tips and tricks that you can use in Apex Legends to level up your gaming skills in no time. Let’s get started then!

Tips and Tricks To Get Better In Apex Legends

There are some gameplay tips and tricks that you can learn from this guide to get better in apex legends within no time.

Basically, these tips were shared by some of the apex legends experienced players that we are going to mention in this short guide and you can also apply these tips and tricks to get better gameplay without having a hassle.

how to get better at apex legends

Use Traning Mode Often To Getter Your Shooting Skills

We all know that training is one of the most essential things that can make you better at any task. That is why we recommend you before entering into any lobby match.

You’ll need to spend some time in the training mode get practice with all the weapons and practice your aim with each weapon that you used most often in the gunfights.

There are lots of new things you can try in the training mode and practice before applying them in the matches.

As we all know the training mode is one of the best places to shape your skills such as aiming, fast-moving, picking up loot, how to pick up an enemy in a match from different angles, and much more.

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You’ll really like to spend a little time aiming while shooting between moving targets. This entails assuming your aiming posture, firing at a target, then swiftly exiting before moving on to the next target, and so on.

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Basically, this will help you to learn how you can switch between targets which is essential to staying alive whenever you encounter a bunch of opponents at the same time in the match or else in the close gunfights.

The second thing that you can learn in the training mode is practicing your aiming skills while strafing out of cover. P

lace yourselves in front of an obstruction and swing side to side while attempting to hit a target in the distance. Basically, this practice will help you sharpen your aim and take down the opponent in a blink.

Pickup a Perfect Landing Spot

Landing is one of the most important things that you needed to learn in Apex Legends. To get perfect loot before your opponents in the hot zone. These are some of the tips that you can apply in Apex Legends when you’re landing on the ground.

  • Keep an eye out for additional teams landing nearby!
  • At the last possible minute, peel away from your Jumpmaster!
  • As you strike the ground, slide!
  • Look for towering cliffs to accelerate your straight-down descent.
  • For distances less than 700m, a straight drop is used.

Make sure to remember these above points to land safely and quicker in Apex Legends in a hot zone and collect all the loot before your enemy. This will give you an advantage over your opponents and you’re not an easy target to take down.

Make Sure To Close the Door Behind You

Technically, navigating through the map is one of the basic advantages that we all take benefit of in battle royal games such as PUBG, Call of Duty, etc.

But in Apex Legends its means closing the doors behind you, most of the players forget to close the door. That allows the enemy to get engaged in the back of you from the outside.

Because most of the time your enemy also comes to the building while searching for loot and if they open the door they know someone is in the building they up their gauds and try to take you down while hiding or camping. This will happen to lots of players in Apex Legends.

If you have a low health bar or gather the loot such as weapons attachments or gun bullets then. Make sure you close the door of the building once you entered it. It’s not good to leave the front door open for the opponent to enter when you’re not ready to fight.

Try To Loot Quickly As Fast As Possible

If your opponent picks up weapons before you then it can a serious circumstance for you. That way, we recommend you pick up the loot items as quickly as you can along with don’t let your guard down while looting. Moreover, always pick up the essential items and always leave space on your backpack.

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Here are some of the tips for Apex Legends Loot.

  • Supply Bin locations
  • Apex Legends Hot Zone
  • Supply ships in Apex Legends
  • Supply drops
  • The Flyers/Dragons of Apex Legends
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These are the following tips you can use to get the best loot in apex legends without having a hassle. We recommend you collect medium size loot such as limited weaponry items, health items along with fuel. Because when you’re backpack is overloaded it also affects your movement.

Setup Perfect Mouse Sensitivity For Quick Aiming

This is a mechanical tip that can help you to move faster along with changing camera angles and aiming at the target in lesser time. In-game you can easily able to change the mouse sensitivity and your sensitivity while aiming down sights.

Lots of players wanted to copy the streamer’s settings but we recommend you to set up your own settings. Because your own playstyle can be more helpful for you. For this go to the settings and select mouse sensitivity and make changes as you prefer and save them.

After this to try your new settings, Go to the Training Mode and test your mouse sensitivity settings on the moving targets.

More importantly, change your settings from time to time which helps you to know which settings are perfect for you and help you to improve your gameplay. According to the experts, you should keep your mouse sensitivity as low as you are comfortable this will give you better control over the movement.

Using your Crosshairs Effectively is Important

Crosshair placement is a very critical part of aiming in Apex Legends. When running around the map, try to keep your crosshair at about head or neck height.

This means you’ll have to re-adjust your aimless frequently when you confront an enemy in order to land that fatal headshot. So, while rushing from one site to the next, bear this in mind.

Flank Right or Left More Carefully

Flank is one of the powerful movement tactics that you can use to take down an opponent while getting low damage.

However, a Wide flank can be a risk but it’s also powerful if you have a longer distance along with a cover that the opponent cannot destroy and more importantly. If you choose to flank, make sure you keep a clear line of sight with your friends.

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Most of the pro players and streamers master the flank along with movement. This will allow them to take down more opponents in lesser time in long-range gunfights without having a hassle.

Try and Practice Your Shooting While Sliding Down Hills

While entering into the Training mode in Apex Legends is quite an awesome right, it is also important for you.

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This will guide you about the concept of sliding in Apex Legends. In matches, most of the time you’ll be firing while sliding down a very cliff or hill and if you’re not good at it then this will give your opponent and plus point and you massive damage.

In this case, you needed to shoot without aiming down your sight. You can master this skill in the training mode by simply sliding down the hill and selecting different rows of targets will help to improve your aiming skill while sliding down.

Build Strong Muscle Memory To Improve Your Skill

If you wanted to get better in Apex Legends. Then you needed to build a strong muscle memory that allows you to move faster compared to other players or the beginner.

Have you wondered most of the games have the same settings, why? the answer is everyone who has played video games has developed some muscle memory. This way every game has the same game settings.

But in shooting games, you needed to work on muscle memory, and there is always a place for improvement in muscle memory.

You can build strong muscle memory by practicing in training mode and using different weapons. In battle royal games like Apex Legends, Call of Duty, and PUBG muscle memory plays an important role. Such as fast movement, aiming and rapid-fire, and much more.

Reliable Positioning Can Gives You Victory

Basically, the reliable position simply means three things in the battle royal games. firstly an excellent vantage position on your adversary secondly various alternatives for good cover and last “fall back and heal” strategy if things go awry If any of these are missing, you are not in the ideal situation.

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Play Aggressively (Rush Gameplay) To Get More Kills

If you wanted to get more kills in the battle royal games then you needed to play aggressively. As you have also seen most of the streamers are on Twitch and YouTube.

Because playing aggressively can help you to build strong muscle memory. Rush Gameplay, allows you to get more kills and improve your close gunfight tactics.

This is the end of this short guide for more helpful information read our Apex Legends Guides for more useful content such as how to change reticle color or Aceu Apex Legends’ latest setting and more.

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