Mars or Jupiter NYT Crossword Answer Clue

Searching for the answer clue of the “Mars or Jupiter NYT Crossword” puzzle well your search is over here. At Gameinstants we try our best to solve the crossword puzzles and share their clue with our readers.

We recommend everyone solve crossword puzzles because doing so can develop your English Vocabulary and there are also some other benefits such as it gives you a positive attitude etc.

The first crossword puzzle was introduced on December 21, 1913, by New York Times at that time the crossword are known as Word-Cross and the person who invented the crossword is Arthur Wynne. More importantly, the first crossword does not have the dark blank box and it has a Diamond shape.

Mars or Jupiter NYT Crossword Puzzle Answer

Below we have mentioned the clue of the Mars or Jupiter crossword puzzle that was featured in the New York Times Crossword on October 19, 2022.

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Answer: GOD (3 Letters)

To check our crossword clues you can visit our NYT Crossword Clue section.

February 7, 2023, Other Word Games

You should cross-check the answer clue length (letters) with the crossword puzzle because most of the time lots of puzzles has multiple answers that can be confusing for you.

If you focusing on involving your speed of solving crossword puzzles then you should consider some tips that we have mentioned below.

  1. Whenever you going to solve the crossword puzzle make sure to use the Pencil and not Pen
  2. Always focus on solving the easiest clue on the first attempt.
  3. Focus on guessing more words at a time.
  4. When you’re stuck while solving the crossword make sure to take help from others.
  5. Take a break and wait for some time and try again.
Also Read  Yes or No Action on Tinder Crossword Clue

This is the end of this guide, you can also check our Word Games section for more informative word gaming content.

Reference: NYT Crossword