Minecraft is one of the popular games that allows you to do lots of things using blocks. Such as you can craft a ship in Minecraft using wooden blocks and more. Similarly to that most Minecraft player search for the Minecraft Jenny Mod complete guide.
Because the Jenny Mod allows you to get a Girlfriend in Minecraft without having a hassle. Sound interesting correct, So here in this short article, I am guiding you on how you can download Jenny Mod with a complete installation process.
What is Minecraft Jenny Mod 1.12.2
Basically, the Jenny Mod For Minecraft will create a virtual character or girlfriend for you in the Minecraft game. The more interesting thing is you can give her gifts, go on a date or become best friends in the game.
You need to download the Jenny Mod and installed it in the Minecraft game in order to get your girlfriend. Once you’ve installed the mod in the game simply switch the game to creative mode and you can find her under the house with a pointy roof.
Here are multiple things that Jenny your girlfriend can able to do in Minecraft. Such as she can able to use Probability Manipulation and Water Breathing skills for things done in her favour.
Along with that, she can also have healing skills and can able to teleport the same as Enderman and more.
Now you probably need to know how you can download the Jenny Mod in Minecraft. Well here below I have provided the complete information in step-by-step instructions.
Guide To Download Jenny Mod in Minecraft
First of all, you need to download the Jenny Mod from wminecraft.net on your computer.

Once you download Jenny Mod then you need to download and install the CurseForge Installer it’s available for both Windows and macOS. The CurseForge also has lots of other useful mods for Minecraft.
Launch the CurseForge Installer and tap on “Create Custom Profile” and enter the following details as Profile Name, Minecraft Version, Game Type and Modloder version as also shown below image.

Once the profile is created, Open it and go to the three dots to access the menu list.
Now, select the Open Folder option, this will open the folder where his profile is created.

Once the Mod folder is open, you need to copy the Jenny Mod file into the Mod folder. This will install the Mod into the Mod Folder.

Once the mod is installed, launch the Minecraft game and you can find your virtual girlfriend on a house with a pointy roof.
For more detailed information watch this video.
You must be an 18+ or 21+ years old gamer to use the Jenny Mod in Minecraft. Because this mod has some features that only be accessed by 18+ gamers. This is the end of this short guide.
Hopefully, you find this article helpful to know how you can download and install the Minecraft Jenny Mod without having a hassle.
For more Minecraft guides check our articles on Minecraft. Such as how you can repair the bow in Minecraft and more.