If you are wondering to know how many pokemon are there or what is the total number of Pokemon. Here in this short guide, we are going to explain all the Pokemon that were introduced from Generation I to Generation IX in the last 26 years.
When we heard about Pokemon there is one word that we all have in our mouths “gotta catch ‘em all”. However, understanding how many Pokemons are there that you need to catch is also important.
![How Many Pokemon Are There total pokemon](https://gameinstants.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/pokemon-poke-ball-1024x563.jpg)
How many Pokémon are there?
As we all know Pokemon is one of the best-selling games when it comes to the franchise. According to the Business Insider report in 2023, more than 386 million units of Pokemon have been sold. Now let’s come to the main point of this guide.
According to Bulbapedia, there is a total of 1015 Pokemon in total that were released from generation first to generation nine.
Here we explain all the number of pokemon that were introduced according to the generations in the Pokemon game.
![How Many Pokemon Are There how many pokemon are there](https://gameinstants.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/Hulbury-1024x520.jpg)
All Pokemon in Generation I
In Generation I the total number of Pokemon that was introduced is 150 and these are the name of all those Pokemon.
Abra | Hypno | Primeape |
Aerodactyl | Ivysaur | Psyduck |
Alakazam | Jigglypuff | Raichu |
Arbok | Jolteon | Rapidash |
Arcanine | Jynx | Raticate |
Articuno | Kabuto | Rattata |
Beedrill | Kabutops | Rhydon |
Bellsprout | Kadabra | Rhyhorn |
Blastoise | Kakuna | Sandshrew |
Bulbasaur | Kangaskhan | Sandslash |
Butterfree | Kingler | Scyther |
Caterpie | Koffing | Seadra |
Chansey | Krabby | Seaking |
Charizard | Lapras | Seel |
Charmander | Lickitung | Shellder |
Charmeleon | Machamp | Slowbro |
Clefable | Machoke | Slowpoke |
Clefairy | Machop | Snorlax |
Cloyster | Magikarp | Spearow |
Cubone | Magmar | Squirtle |
Dewgong | Magnemite | Starmie |
Diglett | Magneton | Staryu |
Ditto | Mankey | Tangela |
Dodrio | Marowak | Tauros |
Doduo | Meowth | Tentacool |
Dragonair | Metapod | Tentacruel |
Dragonite | Mew | Vaporeon |
Dratini | Mewtwo | Venomoth |
Drowzee | Moltres | Venonat |
Dugtrio | Mr. Mime | Venusaur |
Eevee | Muk | Victreebel |
Ekans | Nidoking | Vileplume |
Electabuzz | Nidoqueen | Voltorb |
Electrode | Nidoran♀ | Vulpix |
Exeggcute | Nidoran♂ | Wartortle |
Exeggutor | Nidorina | Weedle |
Farfetch’d | Nidorino | Weepinbell |
Fearow | Ninetales | Weezing |
Flareon | Oddish | Wigglytuff |
Gastly | Omanyte | Zapdos |
Gengar | Omastar | Zubat |
Geodude | Onix | |
Gloom | Paras | |
Golbat | Parasect | |
Goldeen | Persian | |
Golduck | Pidgeot | |
Golem | Pidgeotto | |
Graveler | Pidgey | |
Grimer | Pikachu | |
Growlithe | Pinsir | |
Gyarados | Poliwag | |
Haunter | Poliwhirl | |
Hitmonchan | Poliwrath | |
Hitmonlee | Ponyta | |
Horsea | Porygon |
All Pokemon in Generation II
In Generation II the total number of Pokemon that was introduced is 100 and here is the name of all those Pokemon.
Aipom | Houndoom | Raikou |
Ampharo | Houndour | Remoraid |
Ariados | Igglybuff | Scizor |
Azumarill | Jumpluff | Sentret |
Bayleef | Kingdra | Shuckle |
Bellossom | Lanturn | Skarmory |
Blissey | Larvitar | Skiploom |
Celebi | Ledian | Slowking |
Chikorita | Ledyba | Slugma |
Chinchou | Lugia | Smeargle |
Cleffa | Magby | Smoochum |
Corsola | Magcargo | Sneasel |
Crobat | Mantine | Snubbull |
Croconaw | Mareep | Spinarak |
Cyndaquil | Marill | Stantler |
Delibird | Meganium | Steelix |
Donphan | Miltank | Sudowoodo |
Dunsparce | Misdreavus | Suicune |
Elekid | Murkrow | Sunflora |
Entei | Natu | Sunkern |
Espeon | Noctowl | Swinub |
Feraligatr | Octillery | Teddiursa |
Flaaffy | Phanpy | Togepi |
Forretress | Pichu | Togetic |
Furret | Piloswine | Totodile |
Girafarig | Pineco | Typhlosion |
Gligar | Politoed | Tyranitar |
Granbull | Porygon2 | Tyrogue |
Heracross | Pupitar | Umbreon |
Hitmontop | Quagsire | Unown |
Ho-Oh | Quilava | Ursaring |
Hoothoot | Qwilfish | Wobbuffet |
Hoppip | Wooper | |
Xatu | ||
Yanma |
All Pokemon in Generation III
In Generation III the total number of Pokemon that was introduced is 135 and these are the name of all those Pokemon.
Absol | Hariyama | Regirock |
Aggron | Huntail | Registeel |
Altaria | Illumise | Relicanth |
Anorith | Jirachi | Roselia |
Armaldo | Kecleon | Sableye |
Aron | Kirlia | Salamence |
Azurill | Kyogre | Sceptile |
Bagon | Lairon | Sealeo |
Baltoy | Latias | Seedot |
Banette | Latios | Seviper |
Barboach | Lileep | Sharpedo |
Beautifly | Linoone | Shedinja |
Beldum | Lombre | Shelgon |
Blaziken | Lotad | Shiftry |
Breloom | Loudred | Shroomish |
Cacnea | Ludicolo | Shuppet |
Cacturne | Lunatone | Silcoon |
Camerupt | Luvdisc | Skitty |
Carvanha | Makuhita | Slaking |
Cascoon | Manectric | Slakoth |
Castform | Marshtomp | Snorunt |
Chimecho | Masquerain | Solrock |
Clamperl | Mawile | Spheal |
Claydol | Medicham | Spinda |
Combusken | Meditite | Spoink |
Corphish | Metagross | Surskit |
Cradily | Metang | Swablu |
Crawdaunt | Mightyena | Swalot |
Delcatty | Milotic | Swampert |
Deoxys | Minun | Swellow |
Dusclops | Mudkip | Taillow |
Duskull | Nincada | Torchic |
Dustox | Ninjask | Torkoal |
Electrike | Nosepass | Trapinch |
Exploud | Numel | Treecko |
Feebas | Nuzleaf | Tropius |
Flygon | Pelipper | Vibrava |
Gardevoir | Plusle | Vigoroth |
Glalie | Poochyena | Volbeat |
Gorebyss | Ralts | Wailmer |
Groudon | Rayquaza | Wailord |
Grovyle | Regice | Walrein |
Grumpig | Whiscash | |
Gulpin | Whismur | |
Wingull | ||
Wurmple | ||
Wynaut | ||
Zangoose | ||
Zigzagoon |
All Pokemon in Generation IV
In Generation IV the total number of Pokemon that was introduced is 107 and these are the name of all those Pokemon.
Abomasnow | Gabite | Palkia |
Ambipom | Gallade | Phione |
Arceus | Garchomp | Piplup |
Azelf | Gastrodon | Porygon-Z |
Bastiodon | Gible | Prinplup |
Bibarel | Giratina | Probopass |
Bidoof | Glaceon | Purugly |
Bonsly | Glameow | Rampardos |
Bronzong | Gliscor | Regigigas |
Bronzor | Grotle | Rhyperior |
Budew | Happiny | Riolu |
Buizel | Heatran | Roserade |
Buneary | Hippopotas | Rotom |
Burmy | Hippowdon | Shaymin |
Carnivine | Honchkrow | Shellos |
Chatot | Infernape | Shieldon |
Cherrim | Kricketot | Shinx |
Cherubi | Kricketune | Skorupi |
Chimchar | Leafeon | Skuntank |
Chingling | Lickilicky | Snover |
Combee | Lopunny | Spiritomb |
Cranidos | Lucario | Staraptor |
Cresselia | Lumineon | Staravia |
Croagunk | Luxio | Starly |
Darkrai | Luxray | Stunky |
Dialga | Magmortar | Tangrowth |
Drapion | Magnezone | Togekiss |
Drifblim | Mamoswine | Torterra |
Drifloon | Manaphy | Toxicroak |
Dusknoir | Mantyke | Turtwig |
Electivire | Mesprit | Uxie |
Empoleon | Mime Jr. | Vespiquen |
Finneon | Mismagius | Weavile |
Floatzel | Monferno | Wormadam |
Froslass | Mothim | Yanmega |
Munchlax | ||
Pachirisu |
All Pokemon in Generation V
In Generation V the total number of Pokemon that was introduced is 156 and these are the name of all those Pokemon.
Accelgor | Golurk | Samurott |
Alomomola | Gothita | Sandile |
Amoonguss | Gothitelle | Sawk |
Archen | Gothorita | Sawsbuck |
Archeops | Gurdurr | Scolipede |
Audino | Haxorus | Scrafty |
Axew | Heatmor | Scraggy |
Basculin | Herdier | Seismitoad |
Beartic | Hydreigon | Serperior |
Beheeyem | Jellicent | Servine |
Bisharp | Joltik | Sewaddle |
Blitzle | Karrablast | Shelmet |
Boldore | Keldeo | Sigilyph |
Bouffalant | Klang | Simipour |
Braviary | Klink | Simisage |
Carracosta | Klinklang | Simisear |
Chandelure | Krokorok | Snivy |
Cinccino | Krookodile | Solosis |
Cobalion | Kyurem | Stoutland |
Cofagrigus | Lampent | Stunfisk |
Conkeldurr | Landorus | Swadloon |
Cottonee | Larvesta | Swanna |
Crustle | Leavanny | Swoobat |
Cryogonal | Liepard | Tepig |
Cubchoo | Lilligant | Terrakion |
Darmanitan | Lillipup | Throh |
Darumaka | Litwick | Thundurus |
Deerling | Mandibuzz | Timburr |
Deino | Maractus | Tirtouga |
Dewott | Meloetta | Tornadus |
Drilbur | Mienfoo | Tranquill |
Druddigon | Mienshao | Trubbish |
Ducklett | Minccino | Tympole |
Duosion | Munna | Tynamo |
Durant | Musharna | Unfezant |
Dwebble | Oshawott | Vanillish |
Eelektrik | Palpitoad | Vanillite |
Eelektross | Panpour | Vanilluxe |
Elgyem | Pansage | Venipede |
Emboar | Pansear | Victini |
Emolga | Patrat | Virizion |
Escavalier | Pawniard | Volcarona |
Excadrill | Petilil | Vullaby |
Ferroseed | Pidove | Watchog |
Ferrothorn | Pignite | Whimsicott |
Foongus | Purrloin | Whirlipede |
Fraxure | Reshiram | Woobat |
Frillish | Reuniclus | Yamask |
Galvantula | Roggenrola | Zebstrika |
Garbodor | Rufflet | Zekrom |
Gigalith | Zoroark | |
Golett | Zorua | |
Zweilous |
All Pokemon in Generation VI
In Generation VI the total number of Pokemon that was introduced is 72 and these are the name of all those Pokemon.
Aegislash | Floette | Pancham |
Amaura | Florges | Pangoro |
Aromatisse | Froakie | Phantump |
Aurorus | Frogadier | Pumpkaboo |
Avalugg | Furfrou | Pyroar |
Barbaracle | Gogoat | Quilladin |
Bergmite | Goodra | Scatterbug |
Binacle | Goomy | Skiddo |
Braixen | Gourgeist | Skrelp |
Bunnelby | Greninja | Sliggoo |
Carbink | Hawlucha | Slurpuff |
Chesnaught | Heliolisk | Spewpa |
Chespin | Helioptile | Spritzee |
Clauncher | Honedge | Swirlix |
Clawitzer | Hoopa | Sylveon |
Dedenne | Inkay | Talonflame |
Delphox | Klefki | Trevenant |
Diancie | Litleo | Tyrantrum |
Diggersby | Malamar | Tyrunt |
Doublade | Meowstic | Vivillon |
Dragalge | Noibat | Volcanion |
Espurr | Noivern | Xerneas |
Fennekin | Yveltal | |
Flabébé | Zygarde | |
Fletchinder | ||
Fletchling |
All Pokemon in Generation VII
In Generation VII the total number of Pokemon that was introduced is 88 and these are the name of all those Pokemon.
Araquanid | Jangmo-o | Ribombee |
Bewear | Kartana | Rockruff |
Blacephalon | Komala | Rowlet |
Bounsweet | Kommo-o | Salandit |
Brionne | Litten | Salazzle |
Bruxish | Lunala | Sandygast |
Buzzwole | Lurantis | Shiinotic |
Celesteela | Lycanroc | Silvally |
Charjabug | Magearna | Solgaleo |
Comfey | Mareanie | Stakataka |
Cosmoem | Marshadow | Steenee |
Cosmog | Melmetal | Stufful |
Crabominable | Meltan | Tapu Bulu |
Crabrawler | Mimikyu | Tapu Fini |
Cutiefly | Minior | Tapu Koko |
Dartrix | Morelull | Tapu Lele |
Decidueye | Mudbray | Togedemaru |
Dewpider | Mudsdale | Torracat |
Dhelmise | Naganadel | Toucannon |
Drampa | Necrozma | Toxapex |
Fomantis | Nihilego | Trumbeak |
Golisopod | Oranguru | Tsareena |
Grubbin | Oricorio | Turtonator |
Gumshoos | Palossand | Type: Null |
Guzzlord | Passimian | Vikavolt |
Hakamo-o | Pheromosa | Wimpod |
Incineroar | Pikipek | Wishiwashi |
Poipole | Xurkitree | |
Popplio | Yungoos | |
Primarina | Zeraora | |
Pyukumuku |
All Pokemon in Generation VIII
In Generation VIII the total number of Pokemon that was introduced is 96 and these are the name of all those Pokemon.
Alcremie | Enamorus | Polteageist |
Appletun | Eternatus | Raboot |
Applin | Falinks | Regidrago |
Arctovish | Flapple | Regieleki |
Arctozolt | Frosmoth | Rillaboom |
Arrokuda | Glastrier | Rolycoly |
Barraskewda | Gossifleur | Rookidee |
Basculegion | Grapploct | Runerigus |
Blipbug | Greedent | Sandaconda |
Boltund | Grimmsnarl | Scorbunny |
Calyrex | Grookey | Silicobra |
Carkol | Hatenna | Sinistea |
Centiskorch | Hatterene | Sirfetch’d |
Chewtle | Hattrem | Sizzlipede |
Cinderace | Impidimp | Skwovet |
Clobbopus | Indeedee | Sneasler |
Coalossal | Inteleon | Snom |
Copperajah | Kleavor | Sobble |
Corviknight | Kubfu | Spectrier |
Corvisquire | Milcery | Stonjourner |
Cramorant | Morgrem | Thievul |
Cufant | Morpeko | Thwackey |
Cursola | Mr. Rime | Toxel |
Dottler | Nickit | Toxtricity |
Dracovish | Obstagoon | Ursaluna |
Dracozolt | Orbeetle | Urshifu |
Dragapult | Overqwil | Wooloo |
Drakloak | Perrserker | Wyrdeer |
Drednaw | Pincurchin | Yamper |
Dreepy | Zacian | |
Drizzile | Zamazenta | |
Dubwool | Zarude | |
Duraludon | ||
Eiscue | ||
Eldegoss |
All Pokemon in Generation IX
In Generation IX the total number of Pokemon that was introduced is 103 and these are the name of all those Pokemon mainly in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet games.
Annihilape | Gholdengo | Quaquaval |
Arboliva | Gimmighoul | Quaxly |
Arctibax | Glimmet | Quaxwell |
Armarouge | Glimmora | Rabsca |
Baxcalibur | Grafaiai | Rellor |
Bellibolt | Great Tusk | Revavroom |
Bombirdier | Greavard | Roaring Moon |
Brambleghast | Houndstone | Sandy Shocks |
Bramblin | Iron Bundle | Scovillain |
Brute Bonnet | Iron Hands | Scream Tail |
Capsakid | Iron Jugulis | Shroodle |
Ceruledge | Iron Moth | Skeledirge |
Cetitan | Iron Thorns | Slither Wing |
Cetoddle | Iron Treads | Smoliv |
Chi-Yu | Iron Valiant | Spidops |
Charcadet | Kilowattrel | Sprigatito |
Chien-Pao | Kingambit | Squawkabilly |
Clodsire | Klawf | Tadbulb |
Crocalor | Koraidon | Tandemaus |
Cyclizar | Lechonk | Tarountula |
Dachsbun | Lokix | Tatsugiri |
Dolliv | Mabosstiff | Ting-Lu |
Dondozo | Maschiff | Tinkatink |
Dudunsparce | Maushold | Tinkaton |
Espathra | Meowscarada | Tinkatuff |
Farigiraf | Miraidon | Toedscool |
Fidough | Nacli | Toedscruel |
Finizen | Naclstack | Varoom |
Flamigo | Nymble | Veluza |
Flittle | Oinkologne | Wattrel |
Floragato | Orthworm | Wiglett |
Flutter Mane | Palafin | Wo-Chien |
Frigibax | Pawmi | Wugtrio |
Fuecoco | Pawmo | |
Garganacl | Pawmot |
Hopefully, you find this short guide helpful in order to know what is the exact number of Pokemon. From 1996 to 2023 that was introduced in Generation First to Generation Nine.
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