10 Best Smoke Spots Dust 2

Dust 2 is one of the most popular CSGO maps. It keeps the action concentrated in a narrow region that is balanced for both attackers and defenders, resulting in more significant confrontations. Smokescreens may be strategically deployed to take off these vital sightlines, making pressing for objectives considerably safer.

That being stated, here are 10 Dust 2 smoke places that every player should be aware of. Remember to pay great attention to crosshair location!

Upper Tunnel to B-Site

Upper Tunnel to B Site

In Dust 2, a basic yet extremely helpful smoke spot that blocks numerous high-risk angles at once. From the T Spawn entry in the Upper Tunnel, immediately hug the left wall and stand on the corner past the pillar. Then, aim for the location just above. Make use of the hazy line as a guideline.

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Upper Tunnel to B Double Doors 

Upper Tunnel to B Double Doors

Upper Tunnel may securely smoke the massive doors going to B-Site. Inside, seek for the tiny package near the exit leading to the site. Then, raise your head and fire a smoke grenade through the uncovered ceiling, just above the wooden board seen above.

Mid Double Doors to Upper Tunnel corridor

Mid Double Doors to Upper Tunnel corridor

Unlike the previous advice, this smoke position allows attackers to quickly block the Upper Tunnel’s passage in preparation for a strong assault to B-site. Find the vertical window on the right of the building from Mid, then aim for the triangular gap on the wooden crane in the distance.

A-Long Doors to A-Under 

Long Doors to A Under

By employing a running smoke throw directed at the teeth graffiti on the building wall depicted above, players may smoke the underpass without exposing themselves to A-Long. A standing throw onto this smoke location might likewise obscure visibility on the roadway.

Outside Long to Long A corner

Outside Long to Long A corner

Crouch in the area between two crates at the double doors leading to A-site in Outside Long, then aim for the fourth indent on the roof’s edge. After that, move the crosshair vertically until it is aligned with the wire. Crouch first, then toss the smoke.

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A-Site to A-Long Doors defensive smoke

A Site to A Long Doors defensive smoke

CT players can counter a Long A push by tossing a smoke grenade at the double doors near the corner. Stand in front of the car’s left backseat and aim at the uppermost power line on the three-story building’s corner. 

Mid-Short Stairs to A-Site ledge

Mid Short Stairs to A Site ledge

Turn around close to the iron bar doors in Short Stairs, then throw a cigarette against the wall between the roof edge and the window. The grenade will drop on or near the ledge, obstructing visibility from the automobile and A-Ramp.

T Spawn to Mid Box

T Spawn to Mid

Maintain your position at the intersection of the ramp and the opposite building, then aim for the top-left corner of the window straight across. To obstruct visibility from CT’s side of mid to A-Short, jump-throw a smoke grenade from this location.

Mid Box to CT Spawn

Mid Box to CT Spawn

Hug the Mid Box corner towards T Spawn, then aim for the location depicted above. Use the dinks on the wall as a guide. This smoke area totally obscures the view in Dust 2’s underpass, allowing players to take over B-site.

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CT Spawn to Mid

CT Spawn to Mid

Defenders can storm Lower Tunnel by launching a smoke grenade just over the Mid Doors. Hug the outer corner of CT Spawn, aim for the precise place described above, and then backpedal as soon as the grenade is tossed. This will obstruct visibility from the Catwalk and the top ramp.

That’s the 10 Best Smoke Spots Dust 2 as I’ll see you in the next guide of CSGO.