Destiny 2 Fishing Rally Throne World Quest Guide

Are you the owner of the season pass in Destiny 2? Then you should check out the Finishing Rally: Throne World Quest, exclusive to only season pass owners, where they can catch fish and get points, and you will get rewards once you complete the quest. 

This is unlike other tasks where you have to fight opponents; you just have to catch fish that are relatively uncomplicated but have some excellent rewards. 

Here is a walkthrough on how to win the Fishing Rally Throne World Quest and get some exciting rewards!

You must go to the Tower near Gunsmith to start the quest. Look for Ikora Rey; Suraya Hawthorne is in the same spot. Talk to her; she is the right person to brief you about the quest. She will tell you about some fish spotted in Savathun’s throne world and wants you to investigate.

What is Fishing Rally Throne World Quest?

fishing rally throne world

To complete the quest, it is quite simple; you just have to catch fish. After taking the quest from Hawthrone.

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Go to Savathun’s Throne World, where you must head to the Miasma area. There you’ll find the fishing pond in the northwest area, and this is where the actual Fishing Rally Throne World Quest starts, and you just have to fish now. 

Your goal is to catch uncommon fish and gain 500 points to complete the individual tiers. The challenge is time-consuming but there is no real reason to grind the quest as it offers generic rewards. 

Objectives For The Fishing Rally Throne World Quest

There are a total of six steps you have to complete for this quest 

  • Step 1: Gain 100 points to clear participation 
  • Step 2: Gain 100 points to clear Bronze 
  • Step 3: Gain 100 points to clear Silver 
  • Step 4: Gain 100 points to clear Gold
  • Step 5: Gain 100 points to clear Platinum 
  • Step 6: Return to Hawthrone  

How To Gain Points In The Fishing Rally Throne World Quest

The first five steps of the quest require you to gain 100 points to complete participation, bronze, silver, gold, and platinum, each for a total of 500 points. 

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To gain these points, you have to catch fish.

You’ll also need bait to catch the fish; even though you can catch fish without bait, it will lower your chances of catching better quality fish.

Each kind of fish has different points, so the points you get depend on the type of fish you get. 

Following is a table of points for each kind of fish.

Type Of Fish Points
Exotic 20 points 
Legendary 5 points 
Rare 2 points
Uncommon 1 point

Once you have enough points, return to the Hawthrone to complete the quest; this will take about 2 hours to complete.

Types Of Fishes You Can Catch In The Fishing Rally Throne World Quest

Here is a list of fish you can find in the quest.

  1. Uncommon Fish 
  • Cydonian Cichlid 
  • At Least Its a Carp
  • Handrian Koi
  • Minueting Mackerel
  1. Rare Fish 
  • Aachen Cichlid 
  • Chiron’s carp 
  • Koi Cirrus
  • Agron Atlantic Salmon 
  • Traxian Toad 
  • Lamiam Lobster 
  • Cupbearer Catfish 
  • Gusevian Gar
  1. Legendary Fish
  • Salvager’s salmon 
  • Gnawing Hun Gar 
  • Ignition Toad
  • Deafening Whisker
  • Servant Lobster
  1. Exotic Fish
  • Kheprian Axehead 
  • Aeonian Alpha-Beta
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Fishing Rally Throne World Quest Rewards

Here is a list of rewards you will receive on completing the quest.

  • Pgrade Module 
  • Enhanced Core 
  • Deep Engram 
  • Enhancement Prism 
  • Legendary Gear

The legendary gear rewards will choose between two reckoning weapons with static rolls.

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