How To Get New Blue Emblem in Destiny 2?

The “New Blue” emblem was a one-time-only emblem available in Destiny 2 during the Season of the Splicer.

To access the symbol, you had to reset your password on the new Bungie Store by August 13, 2021, at 11:59 p.m. PST. Emblem codes began to be emailed on August 6, 2021.

I have explained a few ways to help you get the “New Blue” Emblem in 2023 in this article. 

How To Unlock “New Blue” Emblem?

New Blue Emblem Destiny 2

The emblem can no longer be unlocked. However, it may be available for purchase on third-party websites.

If you want a new emblem in 2023, there are a few you can earn by completing certain activities or donating to the Bungie Foundation. You can also find new emblems by redeeming codes that Bungie releases occasionally.

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To redeem a code for an emblem, go to the Bungie Code Redemption page and enter the code in the box. Then, click the “Redeem” button. The emblem will be added to your account, and you can find it in your Collections > Flair > Emblems.

How do you get the secret emblem in Destiny 2?

In Destiny 2, there are plenty of options to tailor your Guardian’s appearance. Therefore, we have listed all the Destiny 2 promotional codes for July 2023, featuring free emblems and shaders to show off your style.

Here is a table of all the codes for the secret emblem in Destiny 2.

CodeEmblemHow to Get
XMY-G9M-6XHHarmonic CommencementRedeem on the Bungie Rewards website.
3VW-79G-D3YMarathon the GameRedeem on the Bungie Rewards website.
XFV-KHP-N97The VisionaryRedeem on the Bungie Rewards website.
JVG-VNT-GGGСоняшникRedeem on the Bungie Rewards website.
9LX-7YC-6TXSchrödinger’s GunRedeem on the Bungie Rewards website.
TNN-DKM-6LGJade’s BurrowRedeem on the Bungie Rewards website.
JYN-JAA-Y7DGalilean ExcursionRedeem on the Bungie Rewards website.
7LV-GTK-T7JFuture in ShadowRedeem on the Bungie Rewards website.
6LJ-GH7-TPASneer of the OniRedeem on the Bungie Rewards website.
7D4-PKR-MD7Sequence FlourishRedeem on the Bungie Rewards website.
D97-YCX-7JKCrushed GammaRedeem on the Bungie Rewards website.
T67-JXY-PH6Stag’s SpiritRedeem on the Bungie Rewards website.
F99-KPX-NCFShadow’s LightRedeem on the Bungie Rewards website.
ML3-FD4-ND9Be TrueRedeem on the Bungie Rewards website.
XVX-DKJ-CVMSeraphim’s GauntletsRedeem on the Bungie Rewards website.
YRC-C3D-YNCA Classy OrderRedeem on the Bungie Rewards website.
RA9-XPH-6KJCryonauticsRedeem on the Bungie Rewards website.
PHV-6LF-9CPCountdown to ConvergenceRedeem on the Bungie Rewards website.
L7T-CVV-3RDHeliotrope WarrenRedeem on the Bungie Rewards website.
PKH-JL6-L4RTangled WebRedeem on the Bungie Rewards website.
YAA-37T-FCNLightfall Collector’s Edition Emblem 2Redeem on the Bungie Rewards website.
993-H3H-M6KLightfall Collector’s Edition Emblem 3Redeem on the Bungie Rewards website.
XVK-RLA-RAMLightfall Collector’s Edition Emblem 4Redeem on the Bungie Rewards website.
J6P-9YH-LLPLightfall Collector’s Edition Emblem 5Redeem on the Bungie Rewards website.

What is the hardest emblem to get in Destiny 2?

The Wish Ascended symbol is the most difficult to obtain in Destiny 2. It was given to players who finished the Last Wish raid within the first 24 hours of its release.

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Only two fire teams achieved this achievement, making the insignia one of the rarest in the game.

This is all for how to unlock new blue emblem in Destiny 2 for more relevant content do check our Destiny 2 guides section.

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