Destiny 2: How To Get Umbral Engrams

Umbral Engrams, originally introduced with Seasons of Arrivals have become a popular item among Guardians in Destiny 2.

It offers players to unlock new weapons, armor and focus on providing the items they want the most. Given below are the ways you can get Umbral engrams. 

What Are Umbral Engrams?

Umbral Engrams Destiny 2
Image Credit: Time Sausages Gaming Channel (YouTube)

Umbral Engram contains gear just like other Engrams, which can be opened to obtain powerful items that enhance your Guardian.

It’s the only difference from other Engrams is that Umberal Engrams can never be opened by Cryptarch, so players will need to use a device known as Umbral Decoder. 

How To Get Umbral Engrams?

Here are some ways to get your hand on Umbral Engrams:

General Drops

Umbral Engrams mostly drop in the same way as normal Engrams, and they can be earned through Patrols, Gambit, Crucible, and Strikes. The ordeal, Exo challenges, Nightmare Hunts, and other activities are not as common as they used to be. 

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In the Season of Chosen, Battlegrounds is the main way through which players will be getting their Umbral Engram. They can run the battlegrounds to charge the hammer of proving, and smashing the Tribute Chest will drop an Umbral Engram. A tribute chest will spawn for you after you hit a certain point in the challenger’s proving quest. 

Other Ways to Get Umbral Engrams? 

Here are some of the other ways to get Umbral Engrams:

  • Potrols 
  • Strikes 
  • Ranking up the war table 
  • Gambit
  • Exo challenges 
  • Nightmare hunts 
  • Public events 
  • Crucible 
  • Blind well 

How To Get The Umbral Decoder? 

Umbral Engrams are not possible to open until you bring them to Eververse. Instead, you will have to use a tool known as Umbral Decorder along with Prismatic Recaster. Here is how you can use both.

Firstly head to the Titan and speak to the drifter and complete a Strike to acquire Prismatic Recaster. After that, open Prismatic Recaster and upgrade its twisted energy. This will give you Umbral Engram along with the Umbral Decoder. 

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This is all for how to farm Unbral Engrams in Destiny 2 guide for more similar content do check our Destiny 2 guides some of them are given below.

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