How To Rank Up in Overwatch 2?

New season update, as season 4 was introduced in Overwatch 2, now you won’t be able to push your rank with competitive rank decay. In the new season, season 4 overwatch 2 you will get the rank reward when you complete certain tiers e.g. from bronze to silver.

Also, you can track your rank update, like how many battles you need to win to level up your league.

In Overwatch 2, there are two rank modes you can explore, Role Queue and Open Queue. They both are kind of similar, but game modes require you to win the 50 matches or you have to own the Overwatch to unlock. 

In Role Queue mode, you have to select your heroes for different roles. There is one tank hero, 2 damage heroes, and 2 support heroes.

You can select any of these roles in the role queue and rank will be counted as per the role heroes, completely independent from each other e.g tank hero rank may be at gold, and support hero rank may be at bronze it depends upon the role you choose.  

On the other hand, on the Open Queue, you can select any hero role and you will receive the universal rank. 

The news users need to win at least 5 or 15 losses. But before that, you need to complete the 50 matches in the quick-play mode.

Just after that, you can explore Competitive mode in Overwatch 2. If you somehow manage to get the first Overwatch then you can have direct access to it. 5 wins or 15 losses, it’s also applicable for the new season too. 

How Many Ranks Are There in Overwatch 2?

how to rank up in overwatch 2 season 4

In Overwatch 2 there are a total of 7 different ranks. And each rank has tiers 5 to 1. Here we have listed down the tier.

  • Bronze 5-1
  • Silver 5-1
  • Gold 5-1
  • Platinum 5-1
  • Diamond 5-1
  • Master 5-1
  • Grandmaster 5-1
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As the new season begins you can see the top 500 players and their rank, they are more probably from the master or grandmaster league. It can be from the individual role category to the combined role category, however, you need to attempt at least 25 matches in either of the game modes, role queue, or open queue. 

How To Rank Up in Overwatch 2 in Groups

Overwatch 2 has quite a few restrictions in group game mode like you can tie up with other players as per your tier league.

As an example, if you have a platinum league, then you can tie up with bronze, silver, gold, platinum, and diamond and it should be within two skill levels. On the other hand, master league players can make a team with any number of players but they should be on the skill tier from them.

The Grandmaster league is pretty hard, you can assemble a team of one and it should be within a three-tier skill division. The top 500 players can join one player and it should be from their regions. 

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How To Rank Up in Overwatch 2? MMR & SR

In Overwatch 2, every player will have their own Matchmaking Rank (MMR), which will generate a rank for you from your different skills, it depends upon the battles you win and lose in the overall season.

Suppose if you win your rank will go up and the lost rank will go down as per the skills. Your skill rating will start varying when you win 5 matches or lose the 15 matches, to activate either of them we required, 

While you play, you may notice that in Overwatch 2 the competitive mode only gets the MMR. For this bronze, gold, and others are not taken into account. That’s the reason your rank will be different from matches. 

Overwatch 2 Rank rewards

From the new season, you will get the rewards when you win 15 matches, mode won’t matter here, you can win 15 matches in the competitive role or in the open queue role. 

To rank you need to either win a battle or at least draw, if you win the battle you can get 25 competitive points, and if the match draws you can earn 5 points. 

There is also little cache in the reward system of Overwatch 2, you need to maintain your rank to get the maximum rewards points. 

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Here is the rewards list as per tier:

  • Bronze 300
  • Silver 450
  • Gold 600
  • Platinum 800
  • Diamond 1000
  • Master 1200
  • Grandmaster 1500 
  • Top 500 1500

So, suppose in the game you are in the diamond league, and in the end season your league degrades and you are in the platinum league. That means you will get the rewards as per the platinum league. The regards you will receive for the league you end with. 


To rank up you need to first make a good team that can help you win the battles. The battles will help you to earn points which will push your rank in Overwatch 2. It doesn’t matter what role you are playing until you are winning the matches. There are two games that you can explore: open queue or role queue.

You need to win 5 matches or 15 losses to begin your journey. You will need to win the 50 matches to unlock the overwatch. There are several tiers, if you win the battles and manage to jump on the master or grandmaster league there are pretty good chances that you can also be in the top 500 player of Overwatch 2.

This is all for how to Rank Up faster in Overwatch 2 guide for more similar guides do check our Overwatch 2 guides section.