How To Skip Cutscenes in GTA 5

The cutscenes are an important part of the storyline of Grand Theft Auto. The cutscenes in GTA 5 may help users to guide through at the beginning of a mission when a mission is completed, and when you have lost a mission and an object ran away.

Also, it can appear when a new territory is added to your map. Cutscenes also hold a dialogue between people and the narrative too. It’s kind of fun at first but it gets too frustrating after a while. So, considerable users tend to skip the cutscenes, but they don’t know how to skip Cutscenes in GTA 5.

Here in this Guide, we would mention How to Skip Cutscenes in GTA 5 for PC, PlayStation, and Xbox.

How To Skip Cutscenes in GTA 5?

There are two types of gamers. One who experiences only gameplay and another who lives every bit of the game.

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We will recommend you not skip Cutscenes if you are interacting with it for the first time. But if cutscenes are played again and again then you should follow these steps to skip the cutscenes in GTA 5.

How To Skip Cutscenes in GTA 5 PC?

On your PC to skip the cutscenes in GTA 5, you need to click on these keys.

skip intro gta pc
  • ESC
  • E
  • Spacebar

If you completely understand what a mission is about or further storyline only then skip the cutscenes.

How To Skip Cutscenes in GTA 5 PlayStation?

how to skip cutscenes in gta 5 online ps5

To skip the cutscenes in your PlayStation you need to press the CIRCLE button on the controller.

Many players as they find a mission, grab the car and reach the location to complete the mission without knowing what is about and they just end up doing some stunts and killing.

We are not guiding you to not skip the mission but understand it thoroughly first.

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How To Skip the Cutscenes in GTA 5 Xbox?

how to skip cutscenes in gta 5 Xbox

In your Xbox can simply skip Cutscenes by pressing the X key on the controller.

That’s it you can simply do it by pressing a single key. But if the mission is kind of long and has a series of steps and you aren’t aware of what to do next, then you have to start all from the beginning of the last saved point.

You can also pause in between the Cutscenes. To pause the cutscenes you need to do is simply go to the pause menu.

How To Replay the Cutscenes in GTA 5?

Many users without listening, directly skip cutscenes and go on missions after a while they don’t know what to do next. Some of them skipped cutscenes by accident.

So you don’t have to worry about that, you can also replay cutscenes.

You can simply do it by following this:

  • Pause Menu >Mission Tab >Replay Mission.
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Now you can simply understand what cutscenes were and continue further in GTA 5 Universe.

Final Thoughts

So, you can skip, pause and replay cutscenes in GTA 5. To skip you, PC users can do so by pressing ‘ESC’, ‘E’, and ‘Spacebar’. PlayStation users have to press the Circle button. Xbox users can skip Cutscenes by Pressing the X key. You can pause it in the pause menu. And replay cutscenes by selecting Reply Mission in the pause menu.