Is Jump Force Cross Platform PC, PS5, Xbox One?

Wondering, Is Jump Force Cross Platform supported between different gaming consoles such as Xbox One, PC, and PlayStation 4.

If you are playing this Jump Force video game using the Nintendo Switch, and you want to play this Jump Force with a friend or family member, so that is possible only if they own a similar video gaming device or it have the cross-play feature.

The fact is, if your friends have another gaming platform compared to you, then cross-platform support may be required to have fun playing a multiplayer game. This article goes deeper into that question, and examines if Jump Force is cross platform compatible for use on different consoles, that is, the Xbox One, PC, PS4, and PS5.

Jump Force: Overview

Jump Force is a crossover fighting game which introduces characters from the 50+ years of Shonen Jump manga history. You can play as your favourite character and fight against opponents or team up with friends to take on virtual opponents.

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Jump Force can be best described as a game where you take control of your favourite anime character and use the power of their signature moves to defeat your opponent. The storyline in the game has been designed to be linear, so fans don’t have any confusion about what is happening in the story.

It borrows elements from Dragon Ball Z, Naruto Shippuden, One Piece, Bleach, and Yu-Gi-Oh! And others to create this ultimate battle for supremacy between different worlds.

Is Jump Force Cross Platform
Is Jump Force Crossplay

Is Cross-Platform available in Jump Force now?

No, Jump Force is not cross-platform, meaning that you cannot play with friends on the consoles if you are running the game on Microsoft Windows, or vice-versa.

Cross-platform Jump Force means if you are playing Jump Force on the PlayStation 4, but your friends are using the PS5, you both can play with no restrictions.

Support means you can start playing Jump Force on one platform and keep playing on a different platform with no issues.

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But currently, it is not available for Jump Force. So, Jump Force does not provide generational cross-play support, meaning if you have PS4, then you cannot play it alongside your friends who own a PS5.

Is Jump Force Cross Platform PC and PS5?

Microsoft Windows or PC users cannot play Jump Force with the users of the PS5 or PS4 device platform. The Hump Force gaming community does not let you play the first-person shooter video game cross-platform with your friends across Xbox 360 and Sony PlayStation 5 gaming consoles.

This is because Bandai Namco Entertainment does not allow for cross-platform support with Jump Force, so you have to buy two copies if you want to let your friends play it. You have to buy the game on two different platforms because it does not support any kind of cross-play.

Is Jump Force Cross Platform PC and Xbox One?

Unfortunately, the cross-play feature between PC and Xbox One is not available for this feature. If you are an Xbox One gamer, then you will have to look for players who have Xbox One consoles in order to be able to play in multiplayer modes of games.

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You will come across both the single-player and multiplayer modes in video games. Jump Force’s lack of cross-platform compatibility is also a little odd, but we can only hope that Bandai Namco Entertainment will upgrade this function in the future!

Is Jump Force Cross Platform PS4/PS5 And Xbox One?

Players on the Xbox One cannot play Jump Force with players on the Play Station 4/5, because cross-platform is not supported for this game.

Jump Force is not cross-gen (through backwards compatibility, for the time being) which doesn’t allow players on a single console platform to play together.

Many PS5 players who had hoped to play Jump Force with their buddies on the Xbox One are disappointed by this news. It’s undoubtedly not ideal, but it is what it is, and we must make the best of this awful circumstance.

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