Magnum Quest Tier List: Best Heroes Ranked (2024)

Magnum Quest has lots of heroes and finding the best heroes for your team can be difficult for new players. If you’re looking for the Magnum Quest tier list then you’re on the luck today.

Here we feature a tier list of the Magnum Quest heroes based on their stats with the help of the Magnum Quest gaming community such as Discord and YouTube.

Without wasting your time let’s focus on the guide.

magnum quest tier list

Magnum Quest Tier List (2023)

As we know all heroes in Magnum Quest are divided into the following group Abyss, Divinity, Fortress, Wild, Forest and Shadow.

More importantly, each group of heroes has some advantages and disadvantages over others. For example, Divinity & Abyss can deal more damage than other groups.

So we compose this tier list into four tiers Tank, Damage, Support and Dealer. In simple words, the Tank tier heroes consume damage to support and keep damaged heroes alive.

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On other hand, the Support tier heroes keep supporting their team by retrieving their health bar and controlling the opponents. In last the Damage tier heroes focus on delivering max-out damage to the opponents.

Tank Tier

The Tank tier heroes consume more damage and support the other heroes such as attackers in the team. In this tier list, the S tier has all overpowered heroes and the D tier has all weakest heroes.

tank tier heroes of magnum quest
SAlden, Harry and Rickers
AArthur, Carlotta, Katos, Revna Ecra and Fare
BMonroe, Osishe, Hiest, Manton and Bill
CSur, Issy, Veara, Cinia and Feng
DDerla, Sorsha, Fabian, Zander, Carlotta

Damage Tier

The Damage tier heroes focus on delivering more damage to the opponents. In this tier list, the S tier has all overpowered heroes and the D tier has all weakest heroes.

damage tier heroes of magnum quest

SFeng, Ares, Sorsha, Hista and Aurik
ADerla, Veara, Cyan, Emilia and Winden
BZander, Katos, Guss, Gilaa, Merialeth, Emilia
CHarry, Cinia, Ilya, Alden, and Rickers

Support Tier

The support tier heroes focus on supporting their teammates by restoring their health bar and controlling enemies’ movements. In this tier list, the S tier has all overpowered heroes and the D tier has all weakest heroes.

support tier heroes of magnum quest

SIone, Aurik, Sorsha, Naomiand Katos, Sur and Winder
AHarry, Fare, Naomi, Arthur and Aeluin
BCyan, Sorsha, Rickers, Gilaa, Merialeth, Monrow
CIssy, Manton, Veara, Alden, and Flann
DGila, Julien and Hista

Dealer Tier

The Dealer tier heroes focus on controlling the opponent’s movements. In this tier list, the S tier has all overpowered heroes and the D tier has all weakest heroes.

arena tier heroes of magnum quest

SLyu Ying, Revna, Lycidas, Ecra and Ares
ASur, Arthur, Issy, Gila and Sorsha
BKatos, Derla, Ione, Hista, Merialeth, Osishe
CManton, Merialeth, Monroe, Julien, and Bill
DZander, Winden, Guss

This is the end of the Magnum Quest Tier List hopefully you find this tier list helps to know all the strongest and weakest heroes in the game. For more helpful content do read our Tier List Guides.

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