RE4 Remake: How To Unlock Unlimited Ammo ?

Resident Evil 4 is a great remake of the original Resident Evil, and just like the other version which came before, Resident Evil 4 Remake offers its players lots of other content such as merchant requests, new games, and a lot more.

Players are excited about Resident Evil 4, not just for its main story but for all the other content now available for us to unlock. Each of these items has different ways to get to them.

Apart from items that take a very long time to be available, many offer great assistance and benefits to the players on the harder challenges faced in the new game Plus.

If you want to know more about unlocking Resident Evil 4 Remake infinite ammo, you are at the right place. Here I have gathered all the important information on how to claim this advantage, so stay tuned with us!

How can we unlock the Resident Evil 4 Remake unlimited ammo? 

re4 remake unlimted ammo

You can get your hands on infinite ammo by unlocking the Cat Ears accessory in the Resident Evil 4 remakes. The Cat Eats Accessory is unlocked once you complete a story and earn an S level on professional difficulty

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After that, you have completed the S rank professional difficulty story, head towards the extra content store, and buy the cat ears for 2000 CP. After equipping the accessory on your character, enter the game and get access to unlimited ammunition for all weapons.

How To Reach Resident Evil 4 Remake Infinite Rocket Launcher Ammo?

Unlike how the players unlocked infinite ammo for most weapons by equipping the Cat ears accessory, getting infinite ammo for the Rocket Launcher is a very different process. After players have finished the game, they can purchase the rocket launcher from the merchant through the new game Plus.

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