All 7 Realm of Elementals Mokoko Seeds Lost Ark Locations

As a player of Lost Ark, you may know that are Mokoko seeds in the Lost Ark are very important to survive, and as well as these mokoko seeds are very important to gain or to obtain many powerful rewards also.

In the lost ark, there are many mokoko seeds are present in the whole area surrounding the player. The mokoko seeds are spread in the whole area of the lost ark.

In the Realm of the elementals dungeons in the lost ark, there are seven seeds presented for the players which they may collect in their overall journey.

The players may collect different types of rewards through these mokoko seeds. To collect those rewards the players have to collect the mokoko seeds.

And to collect the mokoko seeds the players have to reach the mokoko village. After reaching the mokoko village the players have to speak with an NPC in that mokoko village.

After this, in the mokoko village, the players may be able to obtain above a thousand Arkesia there.

So there is no doubt that the players be very concentrated on this part and they have to spend uncountable time in this mokoko village to find the mokoko seeds as well as the Arkesia also.

And by these mokoko seeds and the Arkesia, the players will be able to obtain or gain a different kind of powerful rewards which may use there throughout the journey.

All Mokoko Seed in Realm of Elements in Lost Ark

Realm of Elementals Mokoko Seeds Lost Ark

All of the mokoko seeds which are presented in the lost ark are hidden in the form. So the players have to be very careful to find those mokoko seeds in the lost ark. In the dungeon, the moko seeds are hidden and surrounded by many hard obstacles which will be a great challenge to the players.

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The mokoko seeds will be surrounded by enemies who may kick out the players from the lost ark. To get the mokoko seeds the players have to kill all of the enemies who are surrounded by the mokoko seeds. After killing the enemies the players have to enter the passage.

There in that passage where the players have to enter after killing the enemies, they will find some yellow arrows. The yellow arrows will help the players to detect interactions.

The players will have to follow those yellow arrows and have to interact with the environment. After this, the players have to jump out from the platforms that are presented in front of them.

Realm of Elements Mokoko Seeds Locations

After knowing all the usefulness of the mokoko seeds the players may wish to know where they will be able to find the mokoko seeds. There is below state is for them. The players or the users of the lost ark may have cleared their doubts and all the confusions they had by this passage to the mentioned discussions below:

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The players may find the dungeon elemental mokoko seeds in the dungeon entrance on the north side of the area of the “Xeneela Ruins”.  If the players will able to reach the Xenella Ruins then there the players may have able to find one of the mokoko seeds among all the seven seeds. But one enemy is waiting for them.

The players will meet there with an alpha monster. The alpha monster will be there to guard that mokoko seed. So players must be very careful about this and win from the alpha monster to get that one mokoko seed.

After knowing the first mokoko seed now the players may have wanted to know about the next one which means the second mokoko seed. so Now let us come to the second mokoko seed.

To find the second mokoko seed the players have to find the hidden entrance which will be present there. It is very important to find the hidden entrance to find the second mokoko seed.

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There will be a yellow triangle mark at every entrance and as well there will be monsters also. The gamer has to kill those monsters first. There will be some rocks also which were there to block the entrances.

So if the players want to get the mokoko seed then they have to break those rocks and have to go along the path of the entrances. On that path, there will be those mokoko seeds presented. So the players have to check all the sides of the path to find the mokoko seeds.

Still, if the players have any problems then may check the ‘pro game guides’ for clearing their doubts.

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