What to Pick Miner or Geologist in Stardew Valley | Explained

There are lots of professions in the Stardew Valley that you can choose from such as Artisan, sheepman, Blacksmith, Agronomist, Miner, Geologist and more. If you’re getting confused what you need to choose in the game to progress further.

Once you reach to Level 5 you need to choose the between Geologist or Miner. Here we cover all information that helps you to know what profession you need to pick along with useful information and more. Without wasting your time let focus on the guide.

stardew valley miner or geologist
miner or geologist in stardew valley

What to pick Geologist or Miner in Stardew Valley

Once you reach Level 5 you can pick from Miner or Geologist in simple words picking the profession means forbear the bonuses of the other profession. If you pick Geologist then it will give you extra ore else in mining then upon reaching the level 10 you get the choice to pick Gemologist or Excavator.

More importantly, the Miners receive extra ore in each vein at Level 10 of the skill choose between the Blacksmith and Prospector. The answer is simple choosing either Miner or Gelogist profession once you progress further in game you can choose available professions at Level 10.

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Choosing the profession in Stardew Valley will substantially benefit you from extra ore. Choosing the miner profession. Means you can get lots of gold (g) from the selling the gems. So basically having less ore does not effect your game in Stardew Valley.

This is end of this guide for more helpful content do read our Gameinstants content such as Stardew Valley Guide.

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