How You Can Have Twins or Triples in Sims 4

Pregnancy is a simple task in SIMS 4 but having twins or triples babies in the game if not that easy. Most of the SIMS get confused about having twins and triples in the game to help our readers we composed this guide that helps you to know how you can have twins in the SIMS 4 without having a hassle.

The chances of having a twin baby in SIMS 4 are around 10 percent and having triple babies chances are only 1 percent. Thankfully, there are some working tips that you can use to increase the odds of getting the twins and triples in the game.

How To Get Twins in Sims 4?

Here are the tips that you can use in order to increase your chances of getting twins in SIMS 4.

Twins Sims 4

1. Fertility Elixir

You can increase your chances of having twins in Sims 4 using the Fertility Elixir. This item is available for purchase for 3,000 points in the Satisfaction Rewards Store. You must also have a level 10 Herbalism skill to use the Fertility Elixir.

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2. Lot traits

If you’re planning to raise twins, there are several lot traits that you should be aware of. One lot trait that will give your twins a leg up is the peace lot trait, which will encourage your sims to read books and help them get more skills and work harder.

The On Ley Line lot trait will significantly increase the odds of having twins, so check your Lot traits before you buy it. You can use On the Ley Line with other traits, such as Fertile, but it’s recommended that you get this trait only if you plan on raising twins!

4. Fertility Massage

To make them more fertile, you can apply the Fertility Massage lot trait to your prospective parents. Moreover, the Romantic Garden Stuff Pack contains a wishing well and a fertility massage table, which can make your Sims even more fertile. The traits increase your Sims’ chances of having twins and increase their odds of being able to produce more than one pet.

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Using Cheat To Have Twins In Sims 4

If you want to avoid all the hassle then you can also use the Cheat in Sims 4 to have twins or triple or more babies without having a hassle all you need is use a simple cheat code.

Once the Sims get pregnant simply use this cheat to his SIM ID. You needed a SIM ID of your female partner in order to use the twin’s cheat.

sims.get_sim_id_by_name firstname lastname

For example sims.get_sim_id_by_name (Gameinstants)

Once you have your partner SIM’s ID simply uses the below-given Cheat to have twins or triples or more babies in SIMS 4.

pregnancy.force_offspring_count SIM ID NUMBER OF BABIES

For example pregnancy.force_offspring_count Gameinstants 3

This sum up for the Sims 4 twins guide for more helpful content do read our SIMS 4 Guides for more helpful information.

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