Is Overwatch 2 Split Screen? Answered

The Overwatch 2 community wants to know, if Overwatch 2 supports split screens or not. However, when Overwatch 1 was active, it didn’t have the split screen option, so Overwatch 2 will have spilt screen support.

Split screen is also known as the couch co-op which helps you to explore multiplayer game options on different screens. The screen is divided as per the players and all can join and play simultaneously without gathering. So, Is Overwatch split-screen support? 

Does Overwatch 2 Support Split-Screen Features?

does overwatch 2 support split screen

No, Overwatch does not have split-screen features. Overwatch 2 is a multiplayer game and has lots of things to explore in battles.

But it doesn’t support the split screen feature. However, they can play on online queues and matchmaking. This is applicable for both PvP and PvE. As of now, Overwatch 2 community members can play local co-op through the online mode. 

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Blizzards had not introduced the split screen feature in Overwatch and Overwatch 2, but they are consistently improving graphics, reducing bugs, and adding new characters and avatars in the game. That makes up for the spilt screen feature and the Overwatch 2 player keeps getting engaged in the game. 

There is no announcement that Overwatch 2 will have a split-screen feature soon. Either, you can play in online queues and do matchmaking online. But won’t be able to play co-op with other devices. 

Overwatch 2 is one of the ranked free-to-play online games. They have implemented lots of things in their gameplay and storyline but if they make offline multiplayer matches then it may degrade their rank. 

Why does Overwatch 2 not have the Split Screen feature?

Blizzard wants to deliver the optimum level of content with the Overwatch 2 online free-to-play game. But if they make the split screen feature, many of the community members won’t check out that new feature they have never seen before and focus on the local competitive co-op.

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They want to give their online audience the they best can give in terms of graphics, game modes, and overwatch heroes, However, split screen, local couch co-op is not only where you can play with your friends, there are many exciting PVP and PvE mode which you can explore online on OW2. 


As of now, Overwatch 2 community members won’t have a split-screen feature. They have to play through the Online Queues and Matchmaking, where they can explore the PvP and PvE battles.

But you don’t have to worry about that, Blizzard has promised that they will deliver the new game modes, battles, and heroes, and update the graphics. That will give you experience as no game can give you.

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