Escape from Tarkov: Old Road Gate Extraction Point Guide 

Escape from Tarkov has a massive player community because the game has lots of maps that players can explore along with lots of weapons, in-game machines and more. Most of the time players are getting confused to get the correct extract location in the game.

Especially, for the Old Road Gate extraction, because this player prefers a guide for all the extract locations with the map. Here we featured information that covers all the extraction locations in the Old Road Gate.

old road gate

The Old Road Gate is Scav an extraction point that was located at the corner or the edge of the Custom map as shown in the below screenshot. It is a Dorms V-Ex extraction point in the map that players need to know about.

First of all, you need to locate the Dorms buildings on the custom map. After that, you need to reach the edge of the Custom map to the closest Dorms building that was located near the parked car.

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old road gate extraction point

After reaching the end of the edge of the forest that was near the parking area. After that, you need to move in the left direction and reach the metal staircases at the Dorms using the stairs. Now you need to stop once you see the big wall with the massive gate.

More importantly, keep your guard up once you reach the correct location of the extraction in the Old Road Gate.

This is sum up the Old Road Gate extraction point guide. Here at Gameinstants, we cover information related to video games including Elden Ring, Halo, Fortnite and more. For more interesting content do read our Escape from Trakov Guides.

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