Unlock & Complete Panda Island Soul Quest

Panda island soul: Lost Ark is a 2.5D fantasy massively multiplayer online action role-playing game with a top-down perspective. Smilegate RPG, a game production division of Smilegate, and Tripod Studio collaborated on it. On December 4, 2019, it was fully launched in the South Korean area.

The world rebuilds in the aftermath of Kazeros’ disastrous invasion, headed by the magnificent war hero Luterra, with new groups and nations. Arkesium, a rare and strong material left behind by the divided Ark, was immediately stockpiled and utilized for armament. However, for about 500 years, peace has reigned.

The islands comprise various islands. Small enclosed regions located in the navigable seas between Arkesia’s several continents are known as islands. Before doing so, you’ll require access to Lost Ark ships, and it’s suggested that you achieve combat level 50 and item level 250 before approaching several of them.

What are island’s souls?

There are many Lost Ark islands across the galaxy. No, that’s not an exaggeration; the oceans are filled with these tiny mini-map challenges. Almost one hundred people in total. Once you have your first ship, it’s time to start exploring the islands.

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Visiting one hundred islands can seem like a daunting task, but it’s a lot of fun once you get started. Every Lost Ark island is different and may be inhabited by cute creatures, so it’s worth checking out this Lost Ark endgame activity.

After completing the main questline on the first continent in Lost Ark, you receive a ship to take you to the second continent. After that, you’re free to sail the seas as you, please. However, before heading enthusiastically to the nearest island, it’s a good idea to complete the blue world quest on Tortoika (northeast of Luterra) first.

Ark Islands. Once you’re ready, mouse over the islands on the map to see the recommended item level, Mokoko seed number, combat type (PvE or PvP), and whether or not you’ve earned an Island Soul. To get to the island, you’ll need to wait a certain amount of time.

Panda island island soul

How to unlock and complete the panda Island soul?

There will be adding stuff to progress through once you’ve unlocked the Islands in Lost Ark. Panda Island is only one of them.

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You must first complete the Panda Island Quest before obtaining the Island’s Token. Once you’ve levelled up the Panda’s Rapport, you’ll get the Panda Island Token for completing this task.

Here is how you can complete the Panda island soul quest in the Lost Ark game:

  1. To begin, walk to the red area depicted below and locate the secret entrance leading north of the path. This will allow you to reach a Mokoko seed as well as proceed through the mission.
  1. Then, for the second hint, proceed to the south square. Climb up and down a number of platforms until you reach the path’s finish, which leads to the sea.
  1. Finally, look for the third clue in the western square. Find the secret route that will lead you through the woods once more and follow it to the end.

The purple quest may then be obtained by speaking with the panda in the northwestern portion of the map. This one will be easier than the last one, so you shouldn’t have any problems. After then, remember to do your daily tasks to increase your Rapport with the NPC.

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Panda Island Soul is one of the 14 Island Souls in the Northeast Gienah Sea and one of the treasures. On Panda Island, players may get it from the [Rapport] NPC.

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