Awaken Chaos ERA Tier List (2024)

Picking the best heroes in the Awaken Chaos Era is kind of a confusing task for everyone. If you’re looking for the Awaken Chaos Era tier list then you are in luck today.

Here we featured an Awaken Chaos Era tier list with the help of the Awaken Chaos Era gaming community such as Discord, Facebook and more.

Without wasting your time let’s focus on the guide.

Awaken Chaos ERA Tier List

Awaken Chaos ERA Tier List

In this tier list is based on the current game meta of the Awaken Chaos ERA characteristic stats such as survivability, damage, defence and support. The strongest heroes are listed in S Tier and on other hand, the weakest heroes are listed in C Tier. You can easily pick up the strongest characters for the PvP, and PvE using this tier list.

S Tier

Awaken Chaos ERA S Tier Heroes

The S Tier has the strongest heroes of Awaken Chaos these heroes are all-rounders which means these heroes are best in attack, defence, and support. Here is the list of all the S Tier heroes in Awaken Chaos Era.

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SEvelyn FirstdawnLaserLight
SHydrisseaDragonscale MarshWater
SZatluxDragonscale MarshWood
SEveraFree CitiesWood
SSantisSylvan WoodlandsWater
SBlackhornSylvan WoodlandsWater
SNathaliaFree CitiesWater
SYolandFree CitiesWood
SHakrinTitan IcelandsWater
SWilliamHoly Light EmpireWater
SEveraFree Cities Wood
SConnorHoly Light EmpireFire
SCorrupt OrakhCrisasDark
SImogenFree CitiesDark

A Tier

Awaken Chaos ERA A Tier Heroes

The A Tier has the best heroes of Awaken Chaos in simple words these heroes are the best at attacking, and defence, but lack support.

ATiaFree CitiesWater
AHydrisseaDragonscale MarshWater
AMulhexDragonscale MarshWater
AVirgilSylvan WoodlandsWater
AHelmarSylvan WoodlandsWater
ABlackhornSylvan WoodlandsWater
ABalberithDragonscale MarshFire
AZacharyFireFree Cities
AThomasFireHoly Light Empire
AZtlinFireDragonscale Marsh
ALightwingFree CitiesLight
AMarian ShadowbloodLaserDark
ADarkened NicklausLasirFire

B Tier

The B Tier has good heroes but are not good as S tier heroes. You need to make lots of effort to play with them. However, if you master their skill set you can surely win these heroes.

Awaken Chaos ERA B Tier Heroes

BHasselTitan IcelandsFire
BEarendilSylvan WoodlandsWood
BLunar MelizzaSylvan WoodlandsLight
BKaneSylvan WoodlandsWood
BAbbottHoly Light EmpireWater

C Tier

The C Tier has all below-average heroes and most properly you need to make lots of effort on these heroes to play with them. We recommend you avoid picking these heroes for your team instead you can pick S-tier heroes for a better gameplay experience.

Awaken Chaos ERA C Tier Heroes

CJacobHoly Light EmpireFire
CEveraFree CitiesWood
CDulovHoly Light EmpireWood
CRodiraSylvan WoodlandsWood
CMalukSylvan WoodlandsFire

This is the end of the Awaken Chaos ERA Tier List guide hopefully you find this tier list helpful to know the strongest and weakest heroes in the game. For more helpful content do read our Tier List Guides.

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