War Of The Visions Tier List (2024)

War of the Vision: Final Fantasy Brave Exvius is a mobile phone-based 3D RPG and strategy game you can play this game on Android and iOS platforms.

There are more than 200+ characters in this game and picking the best and strongest character can be confusing for most players.

Here we featured a tier list of War of the Vision Final Fantasy Brave Exvius to help players to filter all the strongest and weakest characters without having a hassle. We compose this tier list with the help of the player’s feedback and the War of the Vision social media community.

Without wasting your time let’s focus on the guide.

wotv tier list

War of the Vision: Final Fantasy Brave Exvius Tier List (September 2023)

We make this tier list based on the current meta of War of the Vision characters based on the stats, survival rate, firepower, defence and more. This tier has five tiers S, A, B, C and D in which the S tier has all overpowered characters and the D tier has all the weakest characters.

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S Tier

This tier has all overpowered characters with maximum stats means if you’re a new player then you can pick these characters in your team for an easy win.

Locke Ultra Rare 
Starlight ElenaUltra Rare 
Ranan Ultra Rare 
Salire Mega Rare
Goffard GaffgarionMega Rare
Mont Ultra Rare 
Helena Ultra Rare 
Celes Ultra Rare 
Glaciela Ultra Rare 
Jume Ultra Rare 
Alstoria Ultra Rare 
Noctis Ultra Rare 
Yuna Ultra Rare 
Oberon HeindlerUltra Rare 
Cloud Ultra Rare 
Y’shtola Mega Rare

A Tier

This tier has all the best characters that can easily take head-to-head fight with S-tier characters and if you’re a skilled player then you can pick these characters for your team.

Resnick Ultra Rare 
Violet Ultra Rare 
Cetia Ultra Rare 
Bellis Ultra Rare 
Lara CroftUltra Rare 
Warrior of LightUltra Rare 
Ildyra Ultra Rare 
Rairyuu Mega Rare
Kitone Ultra Rare 
Rafale Ultra Rare 
Moore Ultra Rare 
Cowell Ultra Rare 
Rairyuu Mega Rare

B Tier

These tier characters are good but not the strongest such as the S tier. But if you’re a skilled player then you can easily win with them with little practice.

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Resnick Ultra Rare 
Violet Ultra Rare 
Cetia Ultra Rare 
Bellis Ultra Rare 
Lara CroftUltra Rare 
Warrior of LightUltra Rare 
Ildyra Ultra Rare 
Rairyuu Mega Rare
Kitone Ultra Rare 
Rafale Ultra Rare 
Moore Ultra Rare 
Cowell Ultra Rare 
Rairyuu Mega Rare

C Tier

In this tier list, characters are average because of the lower characters’ stats and you should know to use them as the main unit in the battle.

Delita HeiralUltra Rare 
Luartha Ultra Rare 
Miranda Ultra Rare 
Ramza BeoulveUltra Rare 
Howlet Ultra Rare 
Rhaldor Ultra Rare 
Kilphe Ultra Rare 
Cidolfus OrlandeauMega Rare
Miranda Ultra Rare 
Cecil Ultra Rare 
Yerma Ultra Rare 
Oldoa Ultra Rare 
Aileen Ultra Rare 

D Tier

This iter list Characters are worst of the worth we recommend you to know to pick them into your team. These characters are useless because of the lower survival rate, firepower, defence and support.

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SkahalUltra Rare 
Rosa Ultra Rare 
Vallaide Supporting Rare 
Naiah Supporting Rare 
Yuni Supporting Rare 
Murmur Supporting Rare 
Little LeelaSupporting Rare 
Baelo Supporting Rare 
Serjes Ultra Rare 

This is sum up for War of the Vision: Final Fantasy Brave Exvius guide for more helpful content do read our Tier List Guides.

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