How To Use and Upgrade in Golden Halberd in Elden Ring?

The Golden Halberd is a Halberd in the Elden Ring. It measures primarily dexterity, faith, and strength. It is a good weapon for dealing with holy and physical damage during combat.

It comes with the Golden Vow skill, which upgrades your defense and attack stats. You can find the golden halberd at the tree sentinel in Limgrave. 

Faith builds can be as busted as those dedicated to bleeding or magic. Players need these holy weapons to make it possible, and Golden Haldbers is one of them. In this article, I have explained in detail how to use and upgrade the Golden Halberd to defeat your enemies. 

How To Use Golden Heldberg?

The golden halberd is forged of gold and wielded by the order of three sentinels. It is a weapon that can be acquired relatively early through huge amounts of strength to wield and is viable later in the game. The motion is slow, but the damage is high enough to defeat common enemies in one hit. 

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It has little range but can easily break through shields and poise. Your attack and damage will be increased for some time when the Golden Vow weapon skill is activated. 

How To Upgrade the Golden Halberd?

Elden Ring Golden Halberd Guide

You will need Somber Smithing Stones and a Smithing to upgrade the Golden Halberd. Sombre Smithing Stones are a rare type of stone that can be found in more difficult areas of the game. The Golden Heldbard can be upgraded to +10 using the materials mentioned above.

Base Stats

  • Physical Attack: 134
  • Holy Attack: 87
  • Scaling: Strength D, Dexterity E, Faith D
  • Weight: 13.5

Upgrade Stats

  • Affinity: Standard
  • Attack: 328
  • Damage Type: Physical/Holy
  • Scaling: Strength B, Dexterity D, Faith D

This is all for the Golden Halberd Elden guide for more relevant guides do check our Elden Ring guides section.

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